Tag: social media

  • Gamer Motivation Talk on Diablo 3, World of Warcraft, Warlords of Draenor Starting Zone Thoughts

    A new vlog on what keeps me playing a grindy game like Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft: Watch live video from conark on TwitchTV

  • Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls: Vlog on Public Games Etiquette

    Here’s a video of my first vlog using Twitch to provide my thoughts on public games etiquette for Diablo 3. Watch live video from conark on TwitchTV

  • What Makes A Good Streaming Game

    If you’re thinking about getting into the livestreaming business as a gamer, you might ask yourself, “What is a good game to stream?” Most people probably will go with a game that is popular just to get into the rankings. However, what makes a game popular? Or more importantly, what makes a game attractive to…

  • Twitch TV, Social Media and Stickiness

    Currently, I am working on a social media type of project and one of the things we constantly are discussing is the “stickiness” aspects of the way the application should work. For those who do not understand the concept of “stickiness,” it’s simply the idea of how users of an application consistently return and use…

  • Google: Don’t Be Evil, But We Do Harm? (The End of YouTube?)

    One of the so-called core philosophies in the way Google operates is their motto “Don’t be evil.” It was an idea adopted early on in the company’s lifespan. On top of that many of their product decisions was engendered through their “10 things” principles. As the company has grown to the mega-power over the years,…

  • Twitter: Where It’s Real Value is Derived

    Today, Twitter made its debut on the NYSE. Critics point to a lack in revenue or profit in the young company. But many of these people in my estimation lack any insight into the real tech market and why Twitter is such a power house not just as a tech company but in terms of…

  • Combining Livestreaming/Twitch and Social Media

    I’ve written several articles on the high level ideas of becoming a Twitch broadcaster and getting into the world of livestreaming for gaming. One thing that I’ve noticed though is that there’s quite a few people who livestream but don’t really understand many of the social media tools out there. They might use systems like…

  • World of Warcraft: Where Blizzard Gets it Right

    I’ve been hearing about the restrictions surrounding Final Fantasy 14 and someone I learned how someone I’ve occasionally played World of Warcraft with ended up getting banned for streaming the game to a private set of users. Apparently, even a private stream broke the NDA. But today I heard that the game has further streaming…

  • World of Warcraft: How to Nurture Your Flex Raiding as A Streamer

    While it’s like that most people employing Flex Raiding will end up being guilds who face some issues with normal mode raids as well as ambitious pugs, Flex Raiding for streamers over on Twitch will become a big boon for their streams in growing their audience as I pointed out in a previous article. However,…

  • World of Warcraft: Patch 5.4, Flex Raiding, Twitch TV and Increasing Viewership

    [embedplusvideo height=”388″ width=”640″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/14DczjG” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/slzQOyS5TqQ?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=slzQOyS5TqQ&width=640&height=388&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep2462″ /] It’s currently rumored that Patch 5.4 will be released on August 28th. Today, Blizzard released their Patch 5.4 preview of the Siege of Orgrimmar, a common practice as the company gears up in preparation for their major content releases. As Patch 5.4 is going to be a…