Tag: streamers

  • Why Twitch Should Allow Everyone to be Partnered

    When Twitch started out, the requirement for becoming partnered was pretty high. Those requirements have changed over time and now the barriers to entry is much lower. Still, there is an application and review process in place but I think the terms aren’t that clear for the expectations to become partnered. In addition, another problem…

  • Twitch TV, Social Media and Stickiness

    Currently, I am working on a social media type of project and one of the things we constantly are discussing is the “stickiness” aspects of the way the application should work. For those who do not understand the concept of “stickiness,” it’s simply the idea of how users of an application consistently return and use…

  • Game Streamers and My Pet Peeves

    Normally, I try to say positive things about streamers I enjoy following. However, I was one particular person (who I won’t name here) and some of his actions really made me disgusted. The issue was over giveaways and the idea of being disqualified for giveaways for those who leave the chat for whatever reason. I…