Kontroversial Keith: Saying It and Meaning It.

  • Shaw Brothers Five Elements Ninjas Review

    This is a cult classic in the Shaw Brother library. It’s got elements (pun intended) of weapons, ninjas, crazy effects, gore and some extreme violence as well as Chang Cheh directing it. In a way, it’s near the tail end of the Venom mob era with only Lo Meng remaining (unless you count the 7th…

  • Shaw Brothers The Chinatown Kid Review

    I haven’t done a movie review in a while especially my inconsistent but ongoing Shaw Brothers reviews, but I did get a chance to watch the English edition of The Chinatown Kid starring Fu Sheng. At first, I started watching the Chinese edition but ended up just swapping since it requires more concentration in reading…

  • More Home Upgrades Coming

    I decided to buy a nightstand from Amazon that has LED lighting, some drawers and most importantly, USB/electric port hook ups. The idea of this upgrade is that I’ve been using a flimsy folding table for too long. While the table still works, I’ll probably place it on the other side of the bed or…

  • Diablo 4: Season 5 PTR Thoughts

    I was enthusiastic to give the new Season 5 PTR a try. I thought the season 4 PTR was excellent and gave me a nice preview of the upcoming features and season. But the Season 5 PTR was pretty meh. The only thing I really wanted to try was a Companion Druid build with the…

  • Diablo 4: Season 5 PTR Companion Druid Build Thoughts

    I didn’t go too heavily into playing the PTR. Mostly, I was interested in checking out the Companion Druid build since they added a few key new Aspects that caught my attention. Previously, I had leveled a Companion Druid in S4, which wasn’t bad but I can’t say that I loved the experience. The main…

  • The Death of WCW: Who Really Killed Them?

    There’s a new series on YouTube produced by the people who made the Dark Side of the Ring, talking about the death of WCW. Part of it revolves around the question, who? Listening to one of the Jim Cornette podcasts, I overheard Brian Last actually a different but possibly more pertinent question, “What killed WCW?”…

  • Diablo 4: Finishing Up Season 4 Before the Season 5 PTR

    I got my 8th Resplendent Spark today on my 2nd Necromancer of the season and crafted a 1 GA Tyrael’s Might. In a way, I had a feeling I was going to get a GA item just because I didn’t see any all season long. The GA turned out to be damage reduction too so…

  • Diablo 4: Farmed a Grandfather Tonight!

    My pursuit of more Uber Uniques has been quite fruitful. Deciding to take a small break from the leveling grind of another character, I decided to switch back to my old reliable Necromancer to see if I could yield anything. With 14 summons, I didn’t expect much but was thrilled to see The Grandfather drop…

  • Diablo 4: Crafted A Shako and Found A Ring of the Starless Skies!

    The Season 4 seasonal mechanic is a very simple one: grind Iron Wolf reputation in Helltides. There’s nothing fancy about it and it’s similar to the Vampire one except that the Vampire zones had the Blood Pacts and powers to compliment the season. But the real kicker for the Iron Wolf reputation grind is the…

  • Diablo 4: Season 4 Current Progress

    This probably has been my personal most anticipated version of the Diablo 4 release since launch. The loot aspect effectively almost reworks enough of the core game mechanics where it almost would feel like a new game. And with all the meta builds being tossed into the air due to the rework, it wouldn’t be…