Boom Beach HQ25 Mega Crab Week Coming Up

The theme for this month’s Mega Crab is the Proto Crab, which I believe is aimed at Prototype GBE weapons. Along with that we’re getting Lazortrons, which isn’t as good as Rain Makers but a pretty neat one to try out. My only complaint is that their range isn’t as good as Rain Makers nor do these have the awesome splash damage that can take out masses of defenses.

Before all that though, today we have another Dr T Tropical Island event. I had a frustrating time in a way as I was quite close to upgrades but either was forced to use my Resource Boats or resorted to using up all my Trader Tickets.  That said, I got a Flamethrower upgrade for my main account while my secondary account got a Rocket Launcher. In addition, my main account found a precious Building Blueprint which I probably will use this coming week for something like a Landing Craft.

With the Mega Crab coming up, I’m thinking I might aim at getting some Landing Craft upgrades. Usually, I think at least one is good during these events just because of the sheer cost to do a Landing Craft. Since my secondary account has quite a few Landing Crafts upgraded, I might just try to do either the 4th Rocket Launcher and/or Shock Launcher to play a little catch up. After all, I doubt Supercell will be pushing any more HQ updates in the near future.

With these upgrades, it’ll be interesting to see how tomorrow’s Hammerman Strikes Back event goes. Lately, they’ve been a real mixed bag with some nasty stage 7’s. Usually, if stage 7 includes Bombardiers and/or Grenadiers, then you can bet that the encounter will be fairly difficult. The key to those events in my view is having a cluster of Rocket Launchers with a Damage Amplifier to take out anything from a distance. But sometimes if they shock you, there’s not much you can do except sit and stare.

So the other little bit I wanted to address is Warships Season 28. Well, I ended up burning out before hitting 6ER. I just felt that I wanted to keep my Gold rank leading into next season especially as things were getting more difficult. I couldn’t find information on the cost of the the double Boom Cannon node and lost motivation to farm keys and rebuild my base from scratch again. Since there’s no tool to allow you to copy bases from the web, I just don’t feel like re-adjusting my base for every ER.

I might try the next Warships season just to see how it goes but I don’t know if I’d want to do a similar push. Towards the end, it just became frustrating and slowly I would lose motivation and patience either waiting for chests to become available or dealing with obviously much more powerful foes.

Right now, I’m more interested in Clash of Clans anyway.

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