Boom Beach HQ25 Warships Season 28 Just More and More

Some reasonable progress today on both bases as well as in Warships that I felt reasonably worth reporting on. Today’s event was Dr T’s Tropical Island which has better resources of the two Dr T events. Combining that with some gathering, I was able to get some significant upgrades for both bases. Also, for my main base, I’m still ranking up within 5ER while others are fizzling.

I was on edge in terms of how much I needed for my upgrades. My main account just started the 2nd Shock Launcher upgrade. That means for Friday, everything besides Landing Craft will possibly be upgradeable. I had to use the Resource Boat though but my philosophy is that if you have a tool, use it. It brought me enough Iron to get that tasty upgrade. I probably will get attacked a few times until Friday but two max level Shock Launchers, 4 Rocket Launchers and 6 Boom Cannons are pretty nice.

My secondary account got an upgrade as well with its 2nd max level Rocket Launcher. I had to use the Resource Boat there too but figured it was worth the try. Just had enough to put me with that upgrade so that was cool. I know these upgrades are going to make a pretty significant difference for Mondays with Hammerman Strikes Back attacks.

Then comes Warships. I lost one match in a surprise situation because I thought I got my opponent. Turned out he started later and beat my time. But the key thing is that many opponents are fizzling against my base. Also, Incinerators are pretty nice just because of their speed and damage. But you do have to regenerate them after battles. I’m facing all dirty bases at my rank with Shock Blasters, double Shock Launchers and Doom Cannons. Without Kavan and Second Wind, it’s pretty much a disaster.

However, I have accumulated enough keys to push into the next engine room as well as at least two nodes in. I can’t see the cost of the double Doom Cannon node but I figure I might stick with 5ER considering my winning streak until I get enough keys for Heavy Choppas as well. I think I can get that by tonight if I stay motivated or at least by tomorrow. I don’t know if I’ll stick with a pure Heavy Choppas strategy or try to farm keys for 7ER so I can pick up the Bombardiers node. The problem is that there’s an expensive Everspark node in the way as well as the useless Grenadiers node. So it might be better just to go straight into 7ER if I want to pick up that Bombardiers node.

Another strategy that I’ve heard is combining Seekers with Heavy Choppas. But that also means getting Smoke Screen which is unappealing at this stage. I did upgrade my Heavies though in preparation for Heavy Choppas. Also, I need another level of Shock Launchers but I’m wary of putting any points into them before going into 6ER since I want to get Heavy Choppas and max them out asap. Also, looking forward, the other big node is Troop Health which will require a fair amount of upgrade tokens.

At any rate, not in a bad state right now. I really wish someone would publish the whole tech tree because it’s a pain in the ass to see and impossible to plan with those blind nodes.

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