Boom Beach HQ25 Slightly Tricky Imitation Game

On another Friday, we have Imitation Game Day which means tons of loot. I got to go balls out with the boosts so trying to score up some critical resources, let’s see what was in store today as a result of some PVP battles and a tricky stage 7.

First off, we have Vampire Zookas this week, which means I won’t use them because they don’t fit in my play style. Instead, I played as normal with my Tank-Bombardier-Medics + Everspark load out and had a few decent loot days, including today. The good news on one account the other day was pushing a 3rd Landing Craft. I managed to stockpile my resource boat and was close enough to start up a Flamethrower. Turns out that my resource boat was flooded with goodies and allowed me to push my Landing Craft another level.

Then for today, I got through all 7 stages of Imitation Game. The last stage was tricky because a Sky Shield was employed, covering two Boom Cannons, a Doom Cannon and Shock Launcher. For a Tank-Bombardier-Medic player, this could mean a pretty harsh death. So what I did was use the first attack to take out as many non-shielded Boom Cannons and Cannons as possible, including one of the unshielded Shock Launchers as well as the front loaded mines with my critters. Then once I cleared those I slowly eased my way towards this cluster and once in range, I sent tons of Critters to absorb the Doom Cannon and Boom Cannons while the rest of my guys slowly made their way through the cluster. Amazingly, I did not lose a single troop on both accounts through this method, although one tank came dangerously close to dying.

Once the cluster and Sky Shield were cleared, I pushed towards the base and got my victory. Pretty easy with a little bit of strategy. What helped was the Bombardiers being able to focus on the cluster as well as the life leech tribal boosts for my tanks. Beyond those attacks, I got a few nice victories over reasonably high level bases. The total effort allowed my main account to start the final max level Boom Cannon and my secondary account to begin a max level Flamethrower, although I was forced to instant complete my Landing Craft. But given that I’ve been accumulating a lot of Diamonds every week, it was totally worth it.

With these Boom Cannons completed (or near completion), I can now begin focusing on other defenses. Next Friday though will be a Mega Crab event, which means that I will make an attempt on both accounts to get 1-2 Landing Craft upgrades so that will be an exception. But I may be able to score one more upgrade before that time. I could even go for a resource storage unit like a Stone Storage just because of the ability to push resources even further.

That said, I’m pretty happy about having my Boom Cannons now fully upgraded for their level. I would like to see how these upgrades translate into Hammerman Strikes Back days. So far I’m still able to clear stage 7 but a few have been quite difficult.

Beyond this, I pretty much have ended my season for Warships. I ended up getting burnt out and saw the grind to 6ER and Heavy Choppas. It just didn’t feel good with all the fizzling or defeats. So I decided just to take what I have and call it a day.  I think if I hadn’t wasted my chests on two heroes and had stuck with it from the beginning, I could have been in 6ER by now. But the amount of grinding I would need at this stage did not feel worth moving forward. I could just play for chests (which is what I was doing) but going against Rocket Launchers and losing the bulk of my troops all the time is demoralizing.

Instead, I’m looking for a fresh a season as well as the last update for HQ25. No word on the HQ25 update so I imagine it might come next month once the Mega Crab event is complete. The good news is that my Armory is ready for the last set of updates since I just need Tanks and Everspark. Everything else is complete for that portion. Also, getting the 4th Prototype Defense will feel great, although the number of prototype defenses I will put up per week will start to eat into my inventory.

Overall, not a bad ending week. Still working my way through level 72. I’m not rushing anything and prefer to get my 1 upgrade/week, although I managed to score two big ones on my secondary this week. But can’t wait for the coming week. Should be fun.


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