Boom Beach: HQ25 Another Imitation Game Day and Month of October Update

Today, we had another Imitation Game day event. Both accounts now employ a level 10 Sculptor, which means all 12 statues are now in effect. As upgrades become insanely expensive with both Stone and Iron growing scarcer, the question becomes, “Will my current statue line up hold up?”

First, Imitation Game today was extremely easy. Basically, stage 7 was taken out with two attacks. It only had one Shocker Blaster prototype and no Ice status, which allowed me to GBE most of the toughest defense in the first attack. Since Imitation Game only goes up to HQ22 (thank God!) we do not see 6 Boom Cannons, which generally are the bane of any Tank player’s existence. Also, most times the existing Boom Cannons for these HQ22 accounts are not at the current max level, allowing your higher level Barrage and Artillery attacks to clear them as long as there’s no major Ice boost.

Even with the loot from my attacks today, I still found myself coming very short of being able to upgrade Boom Cannons on my main account. Of course, I was starting low since I did my Sculptor upgrade. But I decided to go ahead and open all my Trader Tickets. In the end, I was very short on resources and forced to attack more than my usual 3 PVP bases on Fridays.

What I found was many PVP bases were quite short of Stone or Iron. I had to attack higher level PVP bases, which I tend not to do just to avoid casualties. However, today I felt like I had no choice as undoubtedly I would not have made it through Sunday without at least a few attacks against my bases.

Yet this made me realize that one Master Resource Reward statue even in the upper 40s just isn’t enough anymore. For my main account, I did plop down another +14% Troop Health statue but that didn’t feel to help me much. So I might end up trashing my two Masterpiece Ice statues in favor of two more guardian RR statues.

That way, on Fridays I will hopefully get far more resources to really help me complete my base quicker. I almost see no other way to get my resources in a timely fashion with the cost inflating almost like food and gas these days. Really the biggest hindrance is the prohibitive cost of Landing Craft and Boom Cannons, which are in the 7 millions of resources. Regardless, I managed to score my first max level Boom Cannon on my main account while getting a 2nd max level Landing Craft on my secondary account.

On the bright side, they did announce this month’s weekly events:

  • Oct 1 – 3: Deployable Turret
  • Oct 4 – 10: Rainmakers
  • Oct 8 – 10: Mech Mania
  • Oct 11 – 17: GBA Week
  • Oct 18 – 24: Vampire Zookas
  • Oct 29 – 31: Halloween Crab

So the only one that really matters to me is the Rainmaker. Next to Heavy Choppas, the Rainmakers are the best troops in the game. Without question, I’m going to swap over to them once they become available and probably do some map clearing. On the other hand, Rainmaker week also is the worst in terms of keeping resources just because of how powerful they are. I can expect 2-3 attacks each time per day and there really isn’t any layout that will save you from them. Maybe a front loaded base will work similar to my Hammerman Strikes Back base that I use to defend against Grenadiers and Bombardiers. Other than that, it’s pretty hopeless, although I can guarantee that Imitation Day I should be able to get some nice resources.

Vampire Zookas are interesting in that they have a leech effect. The only problems with Vampire Zookas are their shorter range compared to Bombardiers and their low health. Maybe low level defenses won’t have much of an effect on them but high level defenses will obliterate them. So I doubt I’ll be using them.

The Halloween Mega Crab is my most hated. The Scary Mortar just makes the Crab at higher levels really a nightmare to deal with. So I’m not too happy with this event, although I hope to get two more max level Landing Craft over that weekend.

At any rate, I feel that I definitely have to redo my statue strategy. It sucks because my Ice masterpieces are really good and it might be a while before I can craft a few more. This definitely will affect me when it comes to Hammerman Strikes Back days. But at this stage, I don’t think I’ll have much of a choice and can only wait until update 3 comes along so I can get the 4th prototype defense.

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