Boom Beach Beastly Mega Crab Last Day

I debated whether to write up anything about today’s last day event for the Mega Crab. I did push a little but strictly for resources before getting upset and burnt out and deciding to not progress further.

First off, this was also a Dr T Volcano Island event day. Yesterday, wasn’t very special, although I did complete stage 7 on my main account with some losses. But I didn’t go for boost since I didn’t want to push much more on the Mega Crab with my Landing Craft still in the works. I had to delay my main account for an hour waiting for my tanks to train up since they were destroyed and I couldn’t train until the LC was done.

At any rate, I decided to start with my secondary account first and was waiting also for the Operations event to start. I figured I could push ahead a little bit with some Mega Crab action. After dealing with Dr T and hitting stage 7 along with a few PVP bases, I went straight into the Mega Crab. The one that severely pissed me off was stage 25. It was deliberately done as an annoying wall against tanks/bombardiers/medics because of all the Boom Cannons littered around. I’m sure I spent at least 5-6 rounds just GBE’ing down the defenses where I wouldn’t take too heavy of a loss. For my secondary account, I got cocky and went in earlier which took out a ton of my defenses. I had to spend Diamonds to bring a bunch of troops back and probably could’ve done it more flawlessly with Instant Training, but I think that’s a fraudulent feature.

At any rate, I pretty much was pissed off and just went to upgrade my 4th Rocket Launcher to max before switching over. Originally, the plan was to go for my 2nd Landing Craft but I felt disgusted after dealing with that stage 25 and figured the Rocket Launcher would provide much better short term gain. On my main account, I fared better but took more time to take down all the Boom Cannons on that stage 25. I still lost a troop here and there but nowhere near the losses on my secondary account.

For my reward on my main account, I did manage to accumulate enough resources for a 2nd Landing Craft upgrade. That felt pretty good considering that I can estimate two Landing Crafts per Mega Crab when I feel motivated. For my secondary account, I still have quite a bit of resources built up except Iron, but for that I have a Classified Plan that I intend to use on Wednesday if I manage to get enough Wood and Stone. So my initial estimate of 8 months for upgrading all Landing Craft now can be dropped down to 4.

With the Mega Crab out of the way, the next major event is Warships starting tonight from 12am. I saw the tech tree and might give it a go just to build up future Diamonds and Trader Tickets. If anything, getting some resources along with Diamonds and Trader Tickets make Warships somewhat worth playing when it’s not entirely a frustrating season.

I’m still waiting on the next Tribal Boost. Since we won’t see another Mega Crab for a month, it should be a good one. I’m hoping for Scorcher Leech so I can take back my Resource bases. This last one really sucked and I only boosted my Medics.

Beyond this, I have heard some small tidbits about the so-called next updates. The big thing beyond the Weapon Lab upgrade is more troop upgrades. I personally think that is a rumor more than anything concrete. But Tanks and Scorchers would be great here. I think Tanks especially got ripped off because of how much stronger Boom Cannons are now. And with the potential of a 4th Prototype, high level bases will be harder for Tanks until we get a 9th Landing Craft.

They also mentioned being able to upgrade the Rocket Launcher another level, a new GBE ability and in-game voting for picking troops. I honestly don’t know why they would delay the Rocket Launcher update since it seems quite useful and really doesn’t impact things one way or another. The GBE ability might be cool. But if that happens, I imagine that might be better suited for HQ26 just because it feels a little late. As a matter of fact, all these rumors updates sound more for HQ26 at this stage except the Weapon Lab upgrade.

Nonetheless, these are just rumors and the only visual thing I’ve seen is the level 6 Weapon Lab from the developer’s build. If we do get more upgrades without requiring an HQ26 drop, I certainly would hope that enough of my upgrades will be done by then. At least for now, the Armory on both accounts is nearly done in terms of the super expensive stuff.

Either way, I’m sad that the additional update to HQ25 has not come before the end of the month. But I still have quite a few upgrades before feeling the need for more stuff that I don’t have resources for, which means that I’m fine nonetheless with what we have at the moment.



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