Author: keithyw

  • World of Warcraft: Trick for Ordos on PVE Servers and Raid Finder

    So I play on a PVE server and in using the Raid Finder tool for Ordos I have a little trick I want to share. Occasionally, you’ll have people who will port you to a PVP server. Some will have unbalanced populations which may cause chaos for your Ordos raid. If you’re on a quiet…

  • World of Warcraft: Back in the Game (Again)

    After a hiatus and dealing with the drama of my dead gaming rig, I finally have managed to settle things enough to where I can start playing again. The last two weeks have been some intense gaming sessions where I’ve been hitting the LFRs pretty hard along with focusing on my toons in getting their…

  • What Makes A Good Streaming Game

    If you’re thinking about getting into the livestreaming business as a gamer, you might ask yourself, “What is a good game to stream?” Most people probably will go with a game that is popular just to get into the rankings. However, what makes a game popular? Or more importantly, what makes a game attractive to…

  • World of Warcraft: Free or Paid 90s? Why the Hate?

    So Blizzard is doing something pretty controversial with the whole boosted level 90 for Warlords of Draenor. Currently, it might even be out prior to Warlords of Draenor as it’s being tested in the PTR as of patch 5.4.7 and is part of the in-game store. What’s more interesting is the loads of typical complaints…

  • World of Warcraft: Should Heroic Raids Even Exist (as We Know Them)?

    I enjoy the controversial discussions on whether or not LFR should exist. But the real question is whether Heroic Raids (or what will become known as Mythic Raids) really exist? Some numbers came out recently about the latest decline in World of Warcraft and I hope to analyze the cause behind what is another drop…

  • Twitch TV, Social Media and Stickiness

    Currently, I am working on a social media type of project and one of the things we constantly are discussing is the “stickiness” aspects of the way the application should work. For those who do not understand the concept of “stickiness,” it’s simply the idea of how users of an application consistently return and use…

  • Symfony 2: Why You Should Move Your Logic into a Service

    In typical MVC applications, people end up storing business logic into either the controller or the model layer. The problem in this approach is that in either case, you introduce code bloat and dependencies that should not really exist. Controllers, which are essentially the observer pattern, act as a traffic light, taking requests and directing…

  • Baldur’s Gate 2 Enhanced Edition: Best Evil Party Combination?

    Right now, I’m deciding on giving a purely evil party a try. There’s a LOT of ramifications by choosing this path since the vast majority of this game is based around being a relatively good party. What I want to discuss here is the implications of choosing an evil party and how that can affect…

  • Baldur’s Gate 2 Enhanced Edition: More Theory Crafting Class Combinations

    Having beaten Shadows of Amn again, I decided to just mess around with the party creation process and see what I could come up with considering all the new classes. The first thing I decided to try was taking a good aligned party again and toying with some statistics, gear and dual class possibilities. Here’s…

  • Lego: Determining Collectable/Valuable Sets

    I had been digging around my house while and managed to shore up various mint-in-box (MIB) Lego stuff I had from the mid to late 90’s. Some I knew would be worth something some day, which is why I picked them up long time ago. A friend of mine though had asked me how I…