World of Warcraft: Back in the Game (Again)

After a hiatus and dealing with the drama of my dead gaming rig, I finally have managed to settle things enough to where I can start playing again. The last two weeks have been some intense gaming sessions where I’ve been hitting the LFRs pretty hard along with focusing on my toons in getting their legendary cloaks. At the moment, my hunter is the latest toon to receive his legendary cloak and I should be completed with the Secrets on my Shaman this coming week.

The break was pretty necessary for personal reasons but I feel refreshed enough to where I can handle the long ass queues and deal with the wipes. My plan at the moment is to get everyone enough gear for the expansion and possibly legendary cloaks along the way. And if I have spare time (and coins), then I’ll also gear up my off specs too.

The good thing is that I had done a fairly decent job of getting my guys decent gear prior to my hiatus. So there’s not a huge backlog of catch up that I need to do. In fact, quite a few of my toons have their weapons, a few good trinkets and even some with the full four piece set. My hunter and paladin just need to upgrade their gear with valor points and get a few pieces from Ordos.

What I’m trying to do is focus on the toon closest to the legendary cloak quest and valor capping with them. Then I’ll find another toon who needs a great deal of gear and try to put them through the LFR gauntlet. The most important thing is to open up as many wings of LFR as possible. Truthfully, I really hate doing part 2 as it seems to be the cockblock to the easier sections (not to mention one of the most time consuming). Once I manage to finish up that part, I then just do the ones where I feel I can get the best gear.

Along the way, some things I’ve done was changing my mage back to Frost, sticking with Combat on my rogue, going Destruction on my Warlock and switching around some talents on my warrior. The mage thing was a huge deal for me since I wasn’t doing great with Fire but Frost seemed easier all around for me. I had a lot of issues trying to solo stuff on the Timeless Isle as Fire; but when I switched back to Frost, my DPS soared and I felt like I was having a far easier time. Doing Combat on my rogue was similar in that I’ve been quite familiar with the playstyle of the Combat spec whereas I just could not get into subtlety. Combat has been pretty reliable for me and my gearing/gemming has made Combat straightforward for me. As for my Warlock, I’ve been having a ton of fun soloing stuff on the Timeless Isle. My voidwalker pet does such an awesome job tanking all the elites so I have no desire to switch up. Also, warrior has been fun again as Fury.

Overall, I’m having fun again and am motivated to keep improving my toons’ gear one by one. Some weeks like this one have been great in giving me awesome drops. I’m looking forward to more of it in the coming weeks.

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