Kontroversial Keith: Saying It and Meaning It.

  • New Home Project: Desk 2.0

    Last year, I did a major overhaul to my workspace and gaming configuration. Besides tossing out old furniture that was moldy, dirty and falling apart, I bought an L-shaped corner desk, got a mat for a new chair and other things to make my general computing area much more ergonomic. However, that space has been…

  • Diablo 4: Growing Aspect Potential Solutions

    Some people on reddit have discussed the problem of dealing with the disparity between Barbarians and other classes that have less Aspects to work with. Namely, anyone else except Rogues. But for classes like the Necromancer, Druid and Sorcerer, you’re often hitting a limit on how many open Aspects you can work with and in…

  • Dynasty (1977): Kung Fu Movie Review

    As with Rage of the Dragon, Dynasty (1977) was a movie I had been searching for, taking no less than four decades to discover. It was through a very obscure scene and the fact that I vaguely recalled it coming on channel 13 during one of those kung fu weeks/weekends where they had five special…

  • Return of the 18 Bronzemen: Review

    After checking out that Rage of the Dragon movie, I decided to give another Carter Wong movie a chance: Return of the 18 Bronzemen. I think my family had this or the one before it but I didn’t have any interest in watching it until now. The only Carter Wong movies I’m really familiar with…

  • Diablo 4: Season 4/Upcoming Major Patch Planned Review

    The developers from Diablo 4 had a campfire chat on Wednesday that appears to have mostly been a success in terms of general sentiment (for the moment). Season 4 along with the base game will introduce major changes to itemization, Aspects and other core features of the game, some of which I might have already…

  • Rage of the Dragon: Review

    Rarely in life do you manage to actually find something that you’ve been looking for that hasn’t rotten to obscurity. However, in the case of a pair of movies, I uncovered one such thing that I’ve been hunting down for four decades. The thing is an old, bizarre kung fu movie called Rage of the…

  • Diablo 4: Played A Little This Weekend

    I managed to get some time and decided to invest it into Diablo 4 just because I still have a few projects left to complete in this game for Season 3. The big thing I ended up doing is changing my Necromancer from Minions to Blood Surge. Almost immediately, I felt a difference even with…

  • Diablo 4: Still Playing

    I decided to continue playing. With work being a little rough lately, I figured on avoiding any major expenses. Or any excessive expenses which includes games. So Last Epoch is off the radar until things stabilize in my life. Also, I wanted to see the Season 3 out and had a few key projects that…

  • Diablo 4: Gauntlet Patch Aftermath and Necromancer Summoner Thoughts

    I cringed in depression upon seeing how quickly the Gauntlet feature went up and immediately got panned by top Diablo 4 streamers and their communities alike. Virtually, all the major content creators went back to Last Epoch unsurprisingly (which is where I should be but that’s a different conversation) or didn’t bother giving the Gauntlet…

  • Diablo 4: Campfire Results

    So today, Blizzard had their Diablo 4 Campfire Chat and boy howdy, it took only a minute before I got pissed and decided not to listen to this drek. It was so awful that I felt as though being thrown in an active volcano would’ve been more reassuring. You could jam rusted nails through my…