AEW Dynamite 7/6/2022 Review

From the Blue Cross Arena at the War Memorial in Rochester, NY, we have AEW Dynamite for 7/6/2022. Quite honestly, I severely dreaded writing anything because virtually the whole show was unwatchable except a single segment. But I figured I might as well write something down because I doubt few people online are going to post the type of reviews I’m willing to post about this drek.

Scorpio Sky Vs. Wardlow

This was for the TNT title. Reportedly, Scorpio Sky is injured so presumably they decided to hot potato the title over to Wardlow since he’s no longer the potato that was hot. Wardlow comes out to a wannabe Goldberg entrance with new music. The fans want to get into him because he’s big and can move but they have very low standards in what they are willing to accept as wrestlers. But at least he’s over in the fans’ eyes. Scorpio Sky comes out with America’s Top Team, including various shoot fighters whom I have no idea of their identities and the perpetually useless Dan Lambert. In a way, Scorpio Sky looked more like a babyface here where it was a lamb going to the slaughter as he hugged each of the shooters and patted Lambert on the chest.

On top of being for the TNT title this was a “street fight” match which meant people could do whatever the fuck they wanted with the referee being a non-entity. Various interference from America’s Top Team to fill in time because we can assume that would allow Sky to pick and choose his spots without being exposed for long periods of time in the match and risk getting injured further. Wardlow did an impressive Swanton Bomb that did not get the 3 count but should have because it looked really impressive for a guy that size and should have killed Sky. Instead of that, we get Wardlow inflicting more punishment on Sky which shows to me how little psychology this guy has about the business and he gets the obvious title win to the eruption of a bunch of fans who paid to see a title change, even though at this point, it really is the shit.

The real problem with this match (other than the ridiculous stipulation along with too many people being involved for no good reason) is that it went on too long. It’s stupid that Cody Rhodes got a week off for COVID precautionary measures to create an “intermediate TNT title champion” but Scorpio had to go work for 8+ minutes or at least last that long. Wardlow can do moves but he has no psychology and he keeps getting thrown into stupid situations rather than learn how to construct a good match. In reality, this should never have gone passed the break. Wardlow should have just flat out squashed Sky because no one cares about America’s Top Team nor Sky at this point. Wardlow needed to do two moves, a powerbomb followed up by the Swanton Bomb to get himself further over. The audience was ready for the title change regardless of the length of the match. You didn’t need all the extra garbage and then Scorpio could’ve just laid there. Yes, it would have “buried him” in the sense that he got squashed but he could be taken off camera while Ethan Page told everyone that his partner/friend was injured going into that match.

In reality, I’m spending too much time talking about a non-issue because Ethan Page and Scorpio Sky have been dead in the water ever since Sting and Darby Allin had embarrassed them a while back. They never recovered and neither had any momentum going forward. Might as well start looking for another company to work for at this point unless they just want to collect their paychecks.

Jon Moxley Backstage Interview

Moxley talks too long about Brodie which should have occurred a week before even though that match on Rampage was thrown together at the last second but we get a pre-match interview here that only builds for a match later in the show that didn’t need the pre-match interview and shows why all this sucks since there’s no week-to-week hooks to keep me interested in what’s to come and allowing any kind of build.

Mark Sterling with Keith Lee/Swerve

Anytime, Mark Sterling talks or is in a segment where he gets any kind of air time, I fast forward. He’s about as interesting as watching a snail cross the US continent.

Christian Promo Segment

This was the only thing worth watching Dynamite for. For my money, Christian is the best thing on Dynamite at this stage. He’s interesting, he’s got me curious what he’s going to say next, he’s believable as an asshole heel, he doesn’t repeat himself or just go in endless nonsensical circles. He answers a few questions people had in mind namely why Luchasaurus stuck with him. Matt Hardy comes out and tries to sound cool but Christian just destroys Matt and Jeff especially with all the recent controversial drunk/DUI statements made against Jeff. Matt eventually gets chokeslammed through a table by Luchasaurus after Matt tried to attack Christian. Pretty much once Christian stopped talking the rest of the segment fell apart. I still think Luchasaurus should have come out with no mask and Christian telling him that he’s not a dinosaur, etc.That was a HUGE missed opportunity to repackage Luchasaurus, which is something he desperately needs.

Claudio/Jake Hager Backstage Segment

So the new thing is that people now have to “sign no violence” agreements for certain interview segments to justify that a stupid brawl won’t break out during a Tony Schiavone interview. I like Claudio and he tries to make things sound interesting and Jake does okay. But ugh, can’t they move Claudio into something better than giving Jake a reason to show up on TV to earn his check for the month? BCC + Santana/Ortiz/Eddie Kingston beat Jericho’s group in a wannabe War Games match. Why should there be anymore issues? Claudio should aim for a guy like Pac so he can be in the title picture rather than wrestling Jericho’s lap dog.

Butcher & Blade Vs. Keith Lee / Swerve Strickland

A meh match to me. At this point, Butcher and the Blade should just go elsewhere. There was actually one interesting moment where they nearly had Keith Lee for a pin fall. When it only got a 2 count, the audience actually chanted bullshit. In a way, I almost would have agreed because the outcome was too obvious and I think people wanted to see the non-obvious thing happen. Instead, the ex-WWE/NXT guys get the pin, there’s a mild cheer and we segue into a post-match promo by Ricky Starks/Powerhouse Hobbs and The Bucks. Once the Bucks come out, I lose all interest in the rest of the segment and fast forward because they keep reminding everyone that they started the company and are the best. Well, if you’re executives in a company and give yourselves the titles, you can’t call yourself the best. It’s like me getting the cheat codes to World of Warcraft or Lost Ark and one shotting every boss I encountered without any effort. So there’s no reason for me to continue listening to these goofs.

Eddie Kingston In Ring Interview

Eddie is with Schiavone and does NOT have that no violence contract. He congratulates the winners from last week’s Blood & Guts match (including Claudio) but talks about how he’s not done with Jericho. For heaven’s sake just let it end. What else is needed? At least, if we still have Kingston involved in this, let it just be Kingston and Jericho. These guys already did everything so I don’t see a reason for them to fight again.

But to try and add heat to effectively ice, they show a pre-taped Jericho segment where he’s not a wizard but has poor Ruby Soho who mysteriously is hugging a car or glued to it with her hand obviously waiting for that idiot Tay Conti to slam the door on it, even though there’s a bunch of guys who should’ve been holding Ruby so that Tay slams the door on it. And to think I used to really like Chris Jericho. This isn’t heat for me. This is I hate wrestling and I sincerely need to stop wasting my time with it if they continue to do this because it’s just bad and it not only insults my intelligence but makes me want to take up a different hobby permanently.

Dark Order Segment

Yet another dreaded segment that I skipped. I heard that Evil Uno said something along the lines of how the Dark Order isn’t dead, even though it is, just because they’re down some members inexplicably. But the kid gets on the mic while QT Marshall gets his gratuitous TV time in to get humiliated and make the wrestling business stink even further. I think Adam Page was involved here too and at this stage of the game, I think this is where he belongs.

Penta Vs. Rush

So admittedly the source I used to watch this horrific show started midway with this match. So my enthusiasm wasn’t completely down just yet. But this match didn’t help much. Nothing really of note for me here. The usual crap and interference happened and I guess we’ll see Mexicans vs Mexicans again.

Max Caster / Anthony Bowens / Ass Boys Vs. Fuego Del Sol / Leon Ruff / Bear Country

I have no idea who Leon Ruff is and Fuego Del Sol gets featured on TV somehow. He’s about as bad as Serpentico but you already know who would win this match. The usual in fighting that happens in AEW between people after 2-3 weeks of teaming together because there’s no creativity in relationship management in a company that emphasizes constantly swapping groups. But for the turn of the week, we get Billy Gunn turning on The Acclaimed. I will say this: The Acclaimed are probably going to be great as babyfaces. However, it sucks they never got a push as heels because Max Caster is great as an edgy rapper. I don’t know who will get the real push from this but I have a feeling that it’ll be the Acclaimed. Either the Gunn Club or the Acclaimed should be featured more often though because they are both getting over or are already over.

Miro Promo

Another solid promo by Miro this time against Malakai Black for what he did to him at the PPV. Quite honestly, I’m actually looking forward to this feud. I’d love to see a God vs Satanist type of feud going. Wonder if CJ Perry will show up and do something against Julie Hart? I have stated that AEW’s women’s division for the most part is pretty wretched except for a few new signees that CJ Perry would probably do well there because she’ snot competing against Asuka, Becky Lynch, Sasha Banks, Charlotte or Bayley. Also, she was over in the WWE just from her personality alone and is still beautiful so it’ll be a huge upgrade over Nyla Rose, Emi Sakura, etc.

Thunderstorm Vs. Nyla Rose & Marina Shafir

I like Thunderstorm. I think that’s a cool tag team name. I like the people in that tag team too. But Jesus Christ they are forced to work with two awful wrestlers. Marina Shafir might be the worst female wrestler on their roster. It used to be Big Swole but between Swole and Shafir, I can’t really tell anymore. Her movements are just so stiff and she has no charisma whatsoever. Just a blank face the entire time. She doesn’t take the moves with any energy. Her selling is almost non-existent and I can tell that it’s probably her MMA/fighting background which instinctively contradicts what a pro-wrestler does. But it’s really painful watching her.

And Nyla Rose is painful to watch too. Just a blob of uncontrollable weight that shifts around and looks awkward. She has size and power but I never get excited seeing her. She’s another person I’d let go soon just because she doesn’t offer anything.

Jade/Baddies + Stokeley Hathaway

I have no idea what’s going on here. It didn’t make any sense. Stokeley seemed to try to make sense of the previous week’s mess of a match. But his “real” intentions came to fruition when Leila Gray was revealed to have received $1100 for her efforts. Here’s the thing when it comes to money in wrestling. There’s no need to put an actual dollar figure out unless it’s for something significant like a bounty or a prize for a battle royal. Like $50k to the winner of a one night tournament or Big John Studd’s body slam challenge. But why $1100? Why not just make it a flat $1k to keep it even? Also, these days $1100 sounds insignificant and makes Leila sound really cheap.

Next, why is Jade already trying to push Stokeley out? It hardly has been a month. It’s just bad, undetailed creative that makes me skip more and more of AEW each week. I’ve already quit watching the Dark shows. But shit like this makes me fast forward entire segments. I wanted to hear Stokeley too because he’s enjoyable to listen to. But if the whole thing sounds bad, I just lose my motivation to watch because I can assume the rest won’t make sense and I get frustrated quickly.

As for Leila Gray, I found out she worked a time or two for the WWE. So I guess that’s why AEW hired her. But she was bad. Maybe not stiff like Shafir but she should go to a spot where she can develop like NWA or Impact. It’s kinda like that AQA wrestler who could pull off a single 450 but nothing else. In Leila Gray’s case, she pulled off nothing except my desire to watch.

Daniel Garcia Promo For ROH

I already lost track of how many stupid promos there were on this show. This one wouldn’t have been terrible if not for the fact that Garcia is another guy who just has zero personality. Oddly, Wheeler Yuta and Garcia fighting for the ROH Pure Championship is what AEW should have done for them in the beginning. AEW needs a dedicated division where guys like Yuta, Garcia, etc can develop and stay away from the main event and be kept on the undercard where they pick up wins and move up accordingly. At the same time, this is one of those matches, even though I honestly couldn’t care less about, is pretty evenly matched considering Tony Khan is booking ROH too. At least, in this situation, even though there’s no real reason to watch the match, you can’t tell who might win and that’s better than most AEW matches.

FTR Promo For ROH Tag Title Match

And here we go with another promo. Now, this one I cared about because it was FTR talking about re-challenging the Briscoes for one more match at the upcoming PPV. That received a nice reaction because people recognize the talent involved. Sadly, Briscoes won’t be able to reply on any AEW show. But unless the Briscoes come under contract with AEW/ROH, I can’t see them winning. But they might have a really good match which is what Tony Khan seems to be more concerned with.

Jon Moxley Vs. Brody King

I almost spoke too soon about Tony Khan’s concerns for good matches because here was one that was neither good nor something that I cared about. I barely was interested because it’s the usual Jon Moxley template. Possibly, the only thing of note was Moxley doing a kind of Indian Death Lock. But again, the match itself wasn’t anything special and was fresh in the sense that Moxley got (gave) the opportunity to wrestle someone different in a charity match to build up his resume of defenses as the interim champion but the whole lead up was stupid. A bad wannabe battle royale the previous week with a randomized winner that Moxley probably wanted to work with since we haven’t seen that match up yet. But the guy in question has zero credibility in AEW since he hasn’t been built up.

One thing that I will say is that from the segment where Malakai Black talked about Brody King challenging Moxley (in a segment that I missed), I suspect that the House of Black might eventually face the BCC. In a way, I wouldn’t mind because I’m so bored of the House of Black having the same boring matches with Death Triangle for the past 9 years that I’m willing to take anything new. I don’t remember seeing Brian Danielson wrestling Malakai Black so that could be interesting, even though the sports entertainment/satan shit will be bad. But I just want to see something different at this stage. I’m bored out of my mind with AEW.

Final Thoughts

Brutally bad show this week. There was only one really good segment and the rest was wretched. I like ThunderStorm as a tag team but they have no opponents and no real reason to exist since there’s no women’s tag titles. I wish there was because I want Toni Storm to have a belt in AEW. But god AEW is just so bad at the moment. All the joke people are surfacing and it shows that while Tony Khan has been smart in signing a huge number of people, the ones he selected or the way they’re being presented just blows chunks.

I’m really at the point where I just write off pro-wrestling. I was reading earlier how today was Paige’s (Saraya’s) last day at the WWE. She gave a nice thank you to them publicly and came off very classy. But I know she’s probably thinking to herself she needs to get back to a big platform and AEW is the next biggest thing to the WWE. And I know a lot of people want to see her there.

However, I don’t. It’s not that she wouldn’t make a difference in AEW because Paige/Saraya is a legit big star for women’s wrestling. But I simply don’t trust AEW in the way they handle their talent and I fear that Saraya will re-injure her neck because the AEW matches are sloppy as hell. Also, I read a few comments from her Twitch chat that some people didn’t want to see her in AEW just because the women’s division hasn’t been handled well. When you see that mess of a promo with Jade, Leila and Stokeley or the fact that Marina Shafir keeps showing up on TV every week even though she sucks and no one buys her because she’s got zero charisma and no ability but Tony Khan keeps her around in the hope of getting her husband Roderick Strong, you can see real concerns for someone like Saraya, who really deserves better.

But going back for a second, someone like Saraya appearing for the first time would be a reason to watch for me just for curiosity’s sake. After that, I just wouldn’t care because the booking is generally so bad that I have nothing to look forward to anymore. The matches just are insufferable too. Punk, Danielson, Claudio and Samoa Joe are the main people I go out of my way to watch because they’re really good. And when MJF is around he’s usually worth listening to. The rest of the show is just really hit and miss with more misses than anything. FTR would be on that list if they’re allowed to wrestle.

Instead, we get the indy job people like Leon Ruff or Leila Gray. Why don’t you just come out and say “we don’t care” at this point? I mean what are Dark shows even for if we’re getting job guys on TV rather than the actual talent?

Anyway, maybe Tony Khan helping to kill pro-wrestling is good for me. I really shouldn’t be wasting more of my precious time when I have to finish my novel and keep getting distracted because I have hope for a brighter future. At this stage, I still have the old stuff that still is pristine to me.

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