Boom Beach: More Progression

The last few days I’ve been a bit burnt out on Boom Beach mostly because my Task Force has been doing Operations again. A few were pretty bad and I don’t even recall finishing yesterday’s. My life situation will be changing soon so I don’t know how much time I’ll be able to devote to the game anymore, even though the game is pretty casual for me. At any rate, I just wanted to talk about current progression.

This week my main focus is getting to Imitation Game and doing a massive boost on my main account to upgrade my Sculptor to the last level. It’s a really costly upgrade so I’ve been saving my resources (namely Iron) for tomorrow. Although I can upgrade the Sculptor just by sinking in a huge amount of Diamonds, it really isn’t worth it at this point in time. If I’m extremely close to the upgrade in resources, I might plunk down some remaining Diamonds. But I’d prefer to just rush completion of the upgrade just to begin using my +14% Troop Health statue that has been sitting in storage forever.

The rest of the time I’ve been upgrading my Flamethrowers just because they’re extremely cheap compared to almost everything else. I did a few storage units (Iron, Stone) and am at the limit in terms of anything costing less than 300k stone. So moving forward, it’s going to be pretty nasty upgrading items.

Part of the problem is that the NPC bases have been getting more irritating. I’ve been encountering Pierced on a regular basis. If it’s 52 then I can GBE it down. Anything more and I’m forced to use the clunky grenadiers. The minute a cannon turns its head towards my troop, I’m pretty much dead. There’s a few NPC bases that have become annoying at this level. I pretty much need to upgrade my Barrage and Artillery to mitigate the situation.

Now, the other thing I’m hoping to accomplish after my big boost tomorrow is to get my tanks to level 15. Although I’m probably better off increasing my Barrage and Artillery first, I just feel that the cost of tanks at this level will make things easier in the long run since they are my primary troop. I think the upgrade along with the TH statue will make more bases easier to handle in due time. Also, I won’t have to worry as much about saving up that much gold in the future, especially if my VP starts rising again to the point where bases become too troublesome.

In between that point, I decided to upgrade my Riflemen a bit. I pushed to 14 which was great for today just because War Factory was pretty much an RZ type of attack. And the Operation attack dictated a CRZ style attack. The additional 2 levels probably did very little since my Riflemen ended up being one shot anyway but just pushing them a little I think will help in the future, especially as I start to gradually switch over to CRZM.

One comment I must make is that I really love the Cryoneers. I was skeptical with them at level 1 but even at that level, they’re quite powerful for what I need, which is some CC. Mostly, I’ve been using them on Operations where I’ll take one boat of 5 Cryoneers and either go Hooka or RZ. Heavies and Riflemen prove to be excellent meat shields so that the Cryoneers can slow down defenses like Cannons, Boom Cannons and other defenses while my Zookas pick them apart. Because Cryroneers are just so damn expensive, I might not be able to level them up for a while as other troops have a much higher priority for me. But they are on my radar.

On my HQ 19 alt account, I’ve been doing okay but it’s just not the same. Not having the same amount of Diamonds does slow down the play a bit. But the hard part is just going through the motion of slowly upgrading everything again. The only troops worth using are my tanks and medics (for Operations at least) just because I’ve managed to level them to the maximum of the Armory level. But it does make my attacks pretty stale as the rest of my troops are pretty weak by comparison.

I did push my Zookas up by one level on that account. However, I’m pretty focused on upgrading the Armory during Imitation Game since it’s probably the most critical building for my HQ at this point in time. It’s a massive shame that you cannot upgrade a troop or offense during the Armory’s upgrade process because I would really like to see my Zookas get a level or two in between. But like my main account, the priority is on my main troop, the tanks. Depending on how much gold I can retain after the upgrade, I might either choose Tanks or Barrage. Tanks would be preferable just so that I won’t have to worry about them.

Once that’s complete then I’ll move back to upgrading my Vault and eventually the god awful Landing Craft upgrade process. Now, getting my Landing Craft back up to 19 all over again right after doing it on my main isn’t something I’m especially looking forward to. But I do realize that it’s better to do it now rather than later. If anything I want to get all my Landing Craft to 17 soon to start, which gives me the option of using low level Scorchers.

Knowing how things worked out on my main, I suppose I’ll have some options in terms of planning my next group of troop upgrades. Without a doubt, Zookas are simply too imperative. And because they’re still cheap and quick to upgrade, they’ll probably come sooner rather than later. I might toss an upgrade to them between big Armory upgrades just to get them out of their low level slump. The next troop upgrade is questionable. I could go with Riflemen or Heavies again. But I am curious about Scorchers. I might avoid Grenadiers altogether and just focus on Scorchers to have a different troop combination. Lately, I’ve been getting highly annoying Operations with numerous Rocket Launchers that end up wiping our Task Force out. I’m thinking that by using all Scorchers, I could turn the tide a bit. It’s not a sure thing but I don’t know if I’ll upgrade my Grenadiers as much as I did on my main this time around.

At any rate, I’m really looking forward to tomorrow’s Imitation Game. I think once I get the next set of major upgrades out of the way, I ought to be in pretty good shape. On my main, the thing I look forward to the most is just getting all my Landing Craft to 20. As a Grank-Med player, that extra troop will be huge for me along with the Troop Health statue. So it should be pretty exciting for me tomorrow.

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