World of Warcraft: How to Gear Up Fast in Patch 5.3

Gearing up in the current patch has never been easier. There’s so many ways to do the catch up whether it’s running Heroics, doing Scenarios, buying loot, etc. But the thing is that you can really push through and get close to meeting the minimal requirements for the Throne of Thunder raid with some short cuts. Some of the ideas here are time dependent as well as server dependent.

  • First, upon hitting 90, buy as many ilvl 458 items as you can. I believe there are around 8. You might be able to skip a few such as boots. Also, if you have the gold, you can push that number higher if you decide to go after trinkets, weapons or some other crafted epics. But the PVP ilvl 458 gear should push your ilvl up close to the 460 mark.
  • Try to pick up the 450 necklace and rings. If you’re a spell caster, you can cheese it a bit through getting a spirit ring, even if you’re not really a spirit based caster. If you’re a strength based fighter, you can also cheese it by buying a tanking ring.
  • Now, here’s the big thing: try to find a rare on the Isle of Thunder and get a bunch of friends to help you kill it. It may not drop the key to the treasure room but keep trying if you don’t find it on the first try.
  • Once you get the key, hand it in so that you can do the treasure room scenario. Your goal here is not to complete it, but obtaining as many Elder Charms as possible. Hopefully, by the end you can get around 10 at the minimal.
  • Try to Sha of Anger. You will get boots and you probably should use your Elder Charm here to try and obtain a 496 tier leggings or hands piece (if not both for incredibly lucky people).
  • Get into a Galleon raid. Again, use your charm here. You can get 496 gear. Both this and the Sha of Anger world bosses are best done earlier in the week as they tend to taper off towards the end of the week.
  • Try to push out 50 lesser charms through doing as many dailies as you can as soon as possible. Turn in the quest to get 3 Mogu Runes.
  • Now, try to get into a Nalak and/or Oondasta group. Roll on both if you manage to defeat either and hopefully, you can get some 522 pieces.
  • If you’re still below the 460 mark, do whatever you can to obtain gold and/or valor to make some key purchases. With all the dailies open now, you should be able to pump out over 1k gold/day and a fair amount of valor.
  • Once you hit 460, hit Mogu’shan Vaults and make sure you roll only on things you absolutely need. Your next go is ilvl 470 to hit Heart of Fear and Terrace of Endless Spring.
  • Also, if you’re up for the challenge, try doing the scenarios on the Isle of Thunder. I believe that ought to get you to friendly at the end with your respective faction’s group on the Isle. The important thing is that there’s an ilvl 476 belt that you can purchase with gold. It’s one of those “anything can help” situations.

Again, the main emphasis in this route is getting that key to the treasury. Without it, you’ll find yourself struggling a bit when it comes to the rolls. I highly suggest before doing any world boss and the pre-Throne of Thunder raids that you do the treasure room and pick up as many Elder Charms as you can. The idea is that you want to make sure you can stack the bad luck roll protection buff.

Another thing is that if you’re a tank or healing class, I highly suggest that if you’re undergeared, you switch to a DPS spec and gear that out first, unless you absolutely know what you’re doing. I’ve seen too many people enter LFR horribly undergeared even now. Since you have loot specialization, you should really take advantage of that rather than wasting other people’s time. People will appreciate you in the long run, especially if you are unsure how the fights operate.

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