Tag: avengers

  • Avengers Endgame: Long Overdue Movie Review

    I know Avengers Endgame has been out for quite some time, but due to time constraints, I never really sat down to write up a review. Since it came out on iTunes, I’ve re-watched it along with the bulk of the Avengers related movies a few times to get an overall feeling of how the…

  • Avengers Infinity War: How the Good Guys Fucked Up

    Avengers Infinity War was an interesting super hero movie in that it left the audience shocked at the end when so many characters had “died.” I’ve read reviews connecting the ending to Empire Strikes Back (although I think they took their oomph from Game of Thrones like virtually every TV show and movie these days).…

  • Captain America: The Winter Soldier Review

    As usual, I know I’m horribly late to the game in writing up a review because I finally have been able to see this movie. Honestly, I had been waiting for sometime to catch Captain America: The Winter Soldier on iTunes and just bought it on HD. Back when the latest X-Men was released, I…

  • Finished Thor and Iron Man 2; Awaiting the Avengers

    Having been recommended Iron Man 2 and being somewhat bored lately, I decided to check Iron Man 2 and Thor out tonight. Iron Man 2 alluded to Thor as being in the next chain of events in this Marvel series, piquing my curiosity at the end of the credits. I have to say both movies…