Clash of Clans: Hitting Champion League!

This season I managed to hit double Champion league where I grinded both accounts just to grab the 2k Gems. On my main account, it wasn’t terrible because I had obtained Super Dragons, which made getting 3 star wins easy. But my TH11 had a much tougher time just grabbing trophies and maintaining my spot.

I will say that it felt quite good to get to Champion league because I probably won’t ever do this again. It just felt very painful because of how you needed to keep up your rankings while facing some rough bases that were at a much higher level in terms of maintenance. Also, doing Champion league meant I couldn’t push for Super Goblins and resource farm so I am relieved that this ordeal is over.

On the bright side, I managed to get some nice upgrades. The Super Dragons were my primary goal. I feel that I have a much better tool than Electro Dragons. The downside is that enabling them does cost 25k Dark Elixir but I have to admit that they are incredibly fun to use. Also, I’ve been working my way through various troop and spell upgrades like Archers, Barbarians (for my heroes), some hero levels, Bats, etc.

While I won’t be progressing neither base to the next HQ level this season, I do feel that when the end of this season comes, I should have some great resources for big upgrades. I think one idea here would be to use the Season Bank rewards for heroes, then major, costly defenses and finally walls. Maybe a key troop upgrade in the Barracks too.

Another thing that was great the other day was managing to finish up the season perks/rewards. So now both accounts have obtained the Archer Queen skin of the Shadow Hunter. There’s still more achievements to be earned but I specifically targeted the skin as well as the double Hero books to really push out the last few levels on key heroes. Like my Grand Warden on my old account now is a comfortable 15 while my Archer Queen is leveling to 56 on my main account and my Grand Warden is going for level 26. I feel like by the end of this season, I could see my Archer Queen hitting level 57 and my Grand Warden doing level 27.

I’m not pushing my Barbarian King as much just because I want to funnel more resources towards either my Archer Queen or Dark Elixir troops. On my main account, I still need to upgrade my Dark Elixir Barracks to obtain the Headhunter. But I can’t foresee using her in the near future, which is why I’m holding off for a while. Perhaps, if I do some Super Goblin resource farming, I might aim for Elixir resources for the upgrade. Afterwards, I won’t have to worry about my Dark Elixir Barracks ever again (well until another update happens)

There’s still Clash Games towards the end of the season. I might have to go harder this time since my Clan is at such a low level. It really stinks having that stupid timer for the Clan Castle Troop request and while pushing for trophies, it makes it even worse. I would like to at least hit the tier 2 reward this time around, not so much for the reward, but for the experience.

Either way, the rest of this season might be just me waiting around since all my upgrades take so much time. This is one thing I wish Supercell addresses in a bigger manner. I can understand having long upgrade times for the final Town Hall level but leading up to that point should be much quicker. There’s the whole “we’ll make more money over time if you grind longer” philosophy in game design but I also believe that people are smart enough to recognize when enough is enough and just grow demotivated and move on when they can’t progress anymore. That’s when a game dies a slow, painful death. And every grindy game that has an element of drawing its audience by a carrot they cannot reach ends up dying slow, painful deaths.

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