Clash of Clans: TH12 Unlocked the Stone Slammer!

Pretty cool thing that happened early today was getting the Stone Slammer unlocked by upgrading my Workshop on my main account to level 3. This is a huge deal as I should be able to get a few more interesting tactics as part of this such as lavaloons down the line. Also, I did a pretty big push in upgrading two Army Camps for +10 space and finished up my Clan Castle for another +5 slots and unlocked Yetis too.

The downside is that I’m currently waiting for my last two Army Camps to finish as I just started them both. Once those are done, I’ll have another +10 space. For my starting army, I added a Baby Dragon but quickly realized that I could simplify things by changing that along with removing a Minion and getting an extra Witch. Also, with the +5 to my Clan Castle, I am able to use three Giants on top of my PEKKA. I could try something else like Hog Riders but my older account’s Hog Riders are just too low level.

But I’m pretty excited about the opened up possibilities with the new troops, siege weapon and additional space as a result of these upgrades. Also, I’m really pushing on getting the 2 Builder Potions from the Town Hall Wrecker event. I was hoping for a Book of Building, but alas it was not to be. Also, I missed out on the Book of Building, which would have been great in using on one of my Army Camps. So all around humbugs.

I have been working on the Ice Wizard event on my old account just to obtain the Book of Spells. I probably should do it on my main account but I find Ice Wizards to be terrible. Since there are a few more days with that event, I might give it a try once I finish with the Town Hall Wrecker one. But the only spell worth using the Book of Spells on for my main account is the Rage spell.

There’s a few more events that spawned but none of them look particularly interesting. There’s one with a Super Potion attached but you need to waste Dark Elixir or a Super Potion to get Barbarians for this event. To me it’s just not worth it. The other one is a Goblin event which isn’t bad sounding but you need to get at least one star. And the reward is a resource potion. I mean, if you’re already using Goblins, then the resource potion feels moot. You really are better off using Super Goblins with a Training Boost to rip through resources.

I was a bit sad not to get any rewards from Clan Games. But the only good one that I saw was the Book of Building. It really sucks when you have no one in your clan but yourself.

Beyond that I found a tip to upgrade all my heroes at the same time. With the season coming to a close, I’m tempted to take that advice. However, that also means a new season will start soon and I want my heroes available, or at least some of them. Otherwise, I’ll be picking away at dead bases and using Super Goblins while sticking my thumb in my asshole waiting for my heroes to finish up.

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