Clash of Clans TH11 and TH10 Moving Forward

The past two days I made a ton of progress on both my accounts. In truth, I probably was so hyped up about getting my old main account back, I probably lost a few days of productivity (and money) just to get things back in line. That said, I’m pretty happy with the results and wanted to share where I’m at currently.

The big thing for my new main account was completing the season achievements and getting the golem skin for the king. Of course, that’s just the icing on the cake compared to the invaluable Book of Heroes that I’m holding onto as I wait for my Grand Warden to finish up level 18. Then I plan to use my Super Potion to convert all my Goblins into Sneaky Goblins and farm the hell out of Elixir, use the Book of Heroes  for the level 19 and use my Elixir Rune to start the level 20 advancement.

At this stage, pretty much the goal is to get my Heroes leveled up with my Archer Queen being the next major goal as well as finishing up whatever research I can and get the Air Sweepers and Hidden Tesla coils upgraded. But at least for my main account there’s no more pressure to worry about the season achievements. Not to mention my season bank is now full except for a small bit of elixir.

For my older account, I’m making good headway into the season. But I’m going to need the last bit of achievements for more points. Elixir isn’t a big deal at the moment as most of my regular troops are now upgraded. So it’s a matter of spells when it comes to Elixir. The rest of the things I need to work on are fairly cheap, especially in having the 20% builder bonus. And I have a Gold Rune to spare. I think with all the extra time available until the season completes, I’m going to go around and update my cannons and archer towers little by little. Then my season bank on this account may eventually be used for TH11.

Also, for my Builder Base on that account, I have enough Gold for a level 9. I am waiting for the laboratory to complete. Afterwards, I’m going to concentrate on upgrading my OTTO Hut so I can get the 6th builder. But I have to be judicious in my attacks because too many wins will pit me against tougher opponents, especially when my base is trash.

One thing I’ve been thinking about is trying different combination of troops. They have that Bowler challenge as part of the season achievements and I’m not sure what the best options are since I don’t have Ice Golems on my older account. Yet I could use Power Potions and not have to worry about their levels while I maul bases. I might even do something like use normal Golems instead. For the Clan troops in this case, I’m not sure what I’ll employ at this point.

Looking forward again, one thing I’m thinking about is next season. I have a feeling I won’t be able to upgrade neither accounts’ town halls for another month at least. The big issue is the general time it’s taking to get through these levels without gemming everything for instant completion. Resources don’t feel like the issue anymore. Just time commitment.

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