Clash of Clans: TH11 Progress

So recently, I’ve been playing Clash of Clans much heavier than before. I saw a few videos that reinvigorated my interest in the game, although for a while now, I’ve been playing very passively in just using my resource generators for upgrading buildings. With all my time available, I decided to get back into the game a little more seriously and wanted to share my own experiences.

So for the longest time, I had been dependent upon PEKKAs as my primary troops. Somehow I managed to get my base to TH11 with them but towards the end, the various walls would prevent me from doing much. In turn, I got demotivated especially after losing my original account on my old iPad that no longer would be supported because of the OS version.

Yet I got to check out a few strategies for how to improve my attacks, which got me away from the pure PEKKA strategy. The main thing was using Electro Dragons as an almost brute force airborne replacement for my PEKKAs, except tossing in the Grand Warden with Flight to help their attacks. In turn, I was able to handle a variety of bases, even occasionally three starring a few.

The only problem with this strategy was the time and amount of elixir this would take. So I started to look for a secondary troop attack and encountered Ice Golems with Witches and Bowlers. Unfortunately, this group’s levels were pretty low and it’s something I’m currently working on improving. Also, my attacks are far from great because I lack the much needed Wall Wrecker, which would help allow me to plow into most bases.

In turn, my frustration grew a little more as I started hunting for other possible strategies. Then I found a pretty interesting attack strategy using Goblins and saw a video of how to farm with them. Basically, you just look for bases that have their resources on the outside of the walls and containing a fair amount.  Then you just spam enough Goblins and retreat while looking for these “easy” bases to farm for loot. Just now I tried it twice and in my second attack, scored some mega loot for the cost of 90 goblins. In turn, I started to upgrade one of my Inferno Towers.

But I will admit that I decided to make a few necessary purchases. I figured that the 5th Builder had become too invaluable due to how much resources I started to rack up. Right now, all my builders on my home base are busy as well as my research. But that’s a good thing because it’ll allow me to start farming more resources over a few days very casually until I have enough for whatever upgrades I need.

The other major thing I ended up getting was a season pass. There were a few really good benefits that were too good to pass up. While I’m not a fan of this P2W style, I figured it wouldn’t be bad given that I’m using it as an investment to move my base forward a little.

Now, you may ask why just a 5th builder? Why not the 6th? Well, the answer to that is my builder base is pretty far behind. I am getting close to upgrading the Battle Machine almost to full (level 28) but everything just takes time and I simply didn’t have enough gems to finish off my current building.

What I really need is my main account back. Sure, it’ll be far behind this secondary account but at least I’ll be able to donate troops once again especially spells which I think have been hurting my attack strategies. For instance, I’ll just have enough Lightning spells to knock out 3 of the 4 Air Defenses but missing the last one to get rid of all four. Also, without the ability to donate, it makes having a Clan Castle almost redundant.

At any rate, I might try using the Goblin Knife strategy (as I’ve heard it called) to farm gold and elixir for my walls once one of my builders is freed up. I haven’t figured out a good strategy for dealing with my builders but I’m really looking forward to having 6 builders at once. I might do something where I’m upgrading 4 defenses, 1 hero and another one just on Wall duty. That way, I can space out upgrades and just continuously get a few Walls upgraded every day.

The only thing I don’t want is this to become an expensive hobby. My iPad is pretty old and really needs to be replaced. I saw that Best Buy would give me $10 back for it. Man that sucks considering how much I paid for it. But it might be worth it if I eventually figure out what I can do with it such as using it for development.

At any rate, while it has been long and frustrating, I will say that right now I am having fun and feel more motivated just because I have some ways to move forward faster than before.

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