Tag: game design

  • World of Warcraft: Mike Preach on Diving Into Heroics

    [embedplusvideo height=”388″ width=”640″ standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/YPuP0V_6DZQ?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=YPuP0V_6DZQ&width=640&height=388&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1006″ /] Mike Preach has another video up on his view when it comes to diving into Heroics. This comes in direct contrast to the way I handle heroics and gearing. His belief is that you should just head straight into Heroics without spending a dime on the Auction House…

  • World of Warcraft: The Legendary Waste (of a Gem), Problems with LFR Drops and Ideas for Improvement

    With Patch 5.2 on the horizons, I ended up upgrading my Paladin’s two handed sword Starshatter using my Valor Points. I had been hesitating up until this point because I had hoped that I would have acquired the Sha Touched axe in LFR. Having run Sha of Fear around 13 times on my Paladin, I…

  • World of Warcraft: Improving the Valor Point System Numbers

    With patch 5.2 around the corner, one major retraction Blizzard has incorporated is removing the upgrade system. The way Blizzard discussed this situation is that it’s more or less a temporary removal so there’s a chance we’ll be seeing them in the future. I think that the upgrade system is an interesting one, but the…

  • World of Warcraft: Adding Age Based Realms

    There was an interesting question posted on Wow Insider today about possible age limits in the World of Warcraft. While there was no real definitive answer in the post itself, people who responded (mostly a mature audience and some with children) had strong feelings about how this should be handled if imposed. My feeling is…

  • Game Design Theory: Working with the Environment

    I came back reading yet another massive complaint regarding Diablo 3 from someone who is a fan of Path of Exile. While I have become disillusioned with Blizzard these past few years, the thing I started to think about was how to improve the ideas in a game like Diablo 3. The truth is outside…

  • World of Warcraft: Mist of Pandaria Patch 5.0 and 5.1 Retrospective

    Okay, probably I won’t go much into depth about Patch 5.1 considering that the most I’ve dealt with in that patch is the new dailies. But I would like to review the current game since Patch 5.2 is coming out in a week or so. So far we’ve been introduced to a new continent with…

  • World of Warcraft: VP -> JP Conversions for Patch 5.2

    As expected, an announcement was made regarding the upcoming changes with regards to the downgrading of Valor Points to Justice Points. In conjunction with this, current Valor gear from Patches 5.0 and 5.1 are being reduced in cost by 50% and 25% respectively. Along with that, Blizzard has mentioned that new items will be made…

  • World of Warcraft: How I Would Improve the Game

    There is a good discussion on the World of Warcraft forums regarding what went wrong with the game. Most of it boils down to convenience over community and the move towards individuals as opposed to a social environment. I wrote a reply on the social aspects of improving the game, similar to a post I…

  • World of Warcraft: Patch 5.2 LFR iLvl Minimum Reduction

    Just read that the LFR for Patch 5.2 will be reduced to 480. There was a large thread talking about the original number at 486 and how this number was pretty controversial. I made a suggestion that the correct number should be 480. Not sure if Blizzard took my post into consideration, but if you…

  • World of Warcraft: The Aspect Blizzard Needs to Improve Upon the Most

    The last two days I befriended someone in my guild by helping them via professions and questing. We talked quite a bit and I came to the realization that by being proactive, I was able to create a friendly environment that garnered me respect. He credited being in my current guild compared to his previous…