Tag: delve league

  • Path of Exile: Current State of the Game from My Viewpoint

    This post will be heavily opinionated based on my recent experience with the Incursion league, the end of Beast League, the very initial foray into the Flashback Incursion league and finally the upcoming Delve League. I might occasionally compare it to Diablo 3, but for the most part this isn’t going to be game XXX…

  • Path of Exile: Delve Starter League Build Thoughts

    With Delve coming out tomorrow, I’ve been pondering with the recent patch notes the build I will be choosing. There have been some anguishing nerfs but I expect that is due to the mechanics of Delve that will discourage current league mechanics. Where Incursion league’s meta was “Go-Go-Go!”, Delve’s mechanics seem to be all about…