Category: diablo 3
Diablo 3: Potentially Good Gold Earning Run
Tired of Alkaizer runs for Act 3? Want to change it up a bit? Here’s a run that I’m starting to use. First, you must have the Staff of Herding from Inferno mode (yes, we are going to hit Whimseyshire as part of this run). So before you proceed with this article, make sure you…
Diablo 3: Hitting 60 on My Witch Doctor and Gearing for Inferno
My witch doctor is the latest to achieve level 60 and make it into Inferno mode. Actually, I had hit 60 in Hell mode (which you can do easily). I took a look at my stash and quickly decided that it was far better just to buy all new gear and vender any left overs.…
Diablo 3: Odd Gear Mixtures
If you check out the top DPS people (or even the top EHP) on, you’ll often encounter odd combinations of gear these people. I find it interesting how people determined what the best in slot items would be to achieve these means. For instance, seeing monk gear on a demon hunter, or monk pants…
Diablo 3: The Controversy of Magic Find
There was an argument going on over at the Blizzard Diablo 3 forums where Athene called out Blizzard on false advertisement with regards to Magic Find. His complaint was that there was no empirical evidence that clearly demonstrates what Magic Find does. He compared the experience of playing his Wizard vs his Demon Hunter. His…
Diablo 3: Balancing Paragon Levels, Making Gold, Gearing and Keys
It’s well documented that the most efficient route for doing Paragon levels is the Alkaizer method. Essentially, you’re running Act 3 Inferno on low monster powers (or none at all) over and over. To make it efficient as possible, you’re not supposed to pick up any loot. Of course, this tactic is primarily for whirlwind…
Diablo 3: Fine Tuning Gear and Monster Power
Recently, I managed to hit Paragon Level 20 on my demon hunter. Before that point I had been running Inferno with no Monster Power enabled. However, I decided within the past few days to start upgrading my demon hunter’s gear again after becoming frustrated with his lack of true high end DPS and survivability. I…
Diablo 3: Current Progress
At the moment, I’ve been focused on my demon hunter, who is now Paragon level 18. I’m mostly using a glass cannon type of gearing and build. I’ve managed to balance my play style with the gear and talents so that I can do okay both solo and when I group up with my friend.…
Diablo 3: Experimentation with Gear as a Demon Hunter
I decided to try another little investment in my demon hunter by grabbing more DPS gear. Mostly, I focused on critical hit chance, critical hit damage and attack speed. The net result was a significant reduction in effective hit points vs massive gain in damage. Just to see how I would fare, I decided to…
Diablo 3: The MMO that Was Supposed to Be
A little while back, there was some controversy between Blizzard North’s founder David Brevik and one of the lead designers in Diablo 3, Jay Wilson, over Jay Wilson’s rather unprofessional comments on Facebook towards Brevik’s views on how Diablo 3 turned out. Further investigation about the matter has shown me that Diablo 3 was essentially…