Author: keithyw

  • Why Nelson “Big Head” Bighetti is My Favorite Character in Silicon Valley

    My coworkers got me into the Silicon Valley TV series a few months ago and it was a natural pairing. As someone working in the tech industry and a pretty big fan of Mike Judge’s work, I felt that this was a series definitely worth catching (of course, once the current Game of Thrones season…

  • Diablo 3: Spirit of Arachyr/Mad Chicken Bomber Witch Doctor Build for Patch 2.3

    While my set up for this build isn’t original by far, I absolutely had to write a blog post about this build just because it’s one of those things that really is a signature Blizzard thing. For lack of a better way of putting it, this is a CRAZY build. Don’t get me wrong. It’s…

  • Diablo 3: Helltooth/Acid Bomb Build for Patch 2.3

    One of the more anticipated redos of sets is the Helltooth set for Witch Doctors. The original set centered around the ability Wall of Zombies, which really didn’t do much even though it looked cool. Instead, part of the redesign was changing the ability to be called Wall of Death and moving Wall of Zombies…

  • Diablo 3: Raekor/Immortal Kings 4/3 Build for Patch 2.3

    I’ve stated it before that Immortal Kings makes a great bridge between sets. Before I tried whirlwind in patch 2.2, I did a Raekor/Immortal Kings 4/3 build, which was far better than the pure Raekor set build. While it did reasonable damage, it still could not compete against a pure Whirlwind set, which was becoming…

  • Diablo 3: Vyr’s Archon Wizard Build for Patch 2.3

    No fancy picture today containing my build from PTR. But I wanted to discuss the basic build for the revamped Vyr’s set based on my own play through on PTR.

  • Roddy Piper Passes Away

    Pro-wrestling has had so many shocking deaths over the years. A few hurt really hard for me since certain wrestlers meant an incredible amount to me as a fan, especially those I grew up with. Roddy Piper, the Hot Rod, certainly was one of the most influential wrestlers that impacted my life in a large…

  • Laravel: The Ugly Command/Event – Handler System

    One distinctive feature Laravel has as part of its optional architecture is the command/event system. Commands are supposed to represent single, discrete pieces of logic that ought to handle a particular job. Events are ways to notify the system that something occurred. Both commands and event employ handlers and commands can implement the SelfHandling interface…

  • Homestead: Dealing With Vagrant’s Permission Issues

    The other day I ran into a really annoying issue where after re-doing my Vagrant instance, I had some issues with the way my directory was mounted and provided certain permissions. When I would ssh into my box and tried to change permissions, even as root, the permission layout would stay the same. However, I…

  • Laravel 5: .env APP_ENV not Being Read Properly and Quick Fix

    So I encountered an issue with Laravel 5 where your APP_ENV in the .env file might not be read. Even if you change it through the Homstead.yaml file, change /etc/php5/fpm/php-fpm.conf, change your .profile file, etc. you still may not see the variable properly reflected when doing something like var_dump($_SERVER) or examining the Application::Environment() function. This…

  • Diablo 3: Justice/Blessed Hammer Seeker of the Light Crusader Build for Patch 2.3

    Patch 2.3 introduces to us a new Crusader set called the Seeker of the Light. The focus is on Blessed Hammer and Falling Sword. For the most part, it is a pretty decent damaging set with some defensive capabilities built in but utilizes a somewhat awkward skill in Falling Sword as a key feature. This…