Clash of Clans: TH13 Making the Moves

Today was more of a Clash of Clans day rather than Lost Ark one for me, even though on both games I made some decent progress. The thing with Lost Ark at least was that I got a little burnt out and was tired. Right now, I could get on and complete two Chaos Dungeons on my Gunlancer but I just don’t feel like it. Instead, I was more motivated with Clash of Clans because I see more useful progress being made.

As I mentioned in the previous post, I had a plan for my next major moves with both accounts. I was very close to not getting through with it just because I only two star’d a particular base that had a super annoying Builder Hut in the top right hand corner that I could not defeat before the timer ran out. Nonetheless, I still managed to achieve the daily reward bonus. The reason I was concerned was because I didn’t want to have to reload all my troops as the plan was to go straight into Super Goblin farming and I had quite a bit of ways to get my Elixir to the point where I could make the all critical Workshop level 3 upgrade happen.

So on both accounts, I did a double boost of Super Goblin troops along with the training boost for my troops. In addition, I altered my troop layout where I now incorporate normal Wall Breakers and 11 Earthquake spells into the mix. What I’ve been finding on a lot of bases is that too many good resources are locked inside at least 2-3 Wall sections. Sometimes I’ll run across a great dead base with tons of resources to grab but everything sits behind at least one major wall section. In turn, that made me rethink how I setup my troops and spells. The end result is much better. In general, I’ll do what I can to avoid bad base layouts but once in a while when you see a partially bad setup, it’ll be faster just running a few Wall Breakers and Earthquake spells to get the last few resources.

The net result of my efforts saw my TH12 upgrade the Workshop to level 3 and start a 3rd X-Bow. With my Workshop upgraded, I felt more at ease in working on my main account to do its share of Goblin farming for more resources. Since both accounts now have obtained the full Season Pass access to the rewards, there’s no need to do the regular battles. Instead, as Builders become free, I can just continue to Goblin farm until the next season starts.

So for my main account, I started the Workshop level 5 upgrade, which will take a whopping 12 days and began the second Scattershot. Luckily, both should finish before the season ends. Also, I used my Dark Elixir Rune to fill up my storage so that I could upgrade my Archer Queen to level 66, which felt really good. I figure when my next Builder becomes free, I’ll probably have them start the Laboratory level 11. I suppose the plus side to these long upgrades is not needing to worry about playing every day if I really wanted.

The only bad part is that I’m still stuck for a while with just a bunch of level 1 Siege Weapons. There is an event going on currently for Super Wizards and Baby Dragons. I doubt that I’ll use the Baby Dragons but the Super Wizards are a possibility. The only issue there is that the combo of troops I’ve seen for Super Wizards involve Golems. And my main account has not leveled them up much. So I’ll probably continue using my Super Dragons until my Workshop completes.

Pretty happy that all this worked out.

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