Tag: dorne

  • Game of Thrones: Season 6 Episode 1, The Dornish Defunct Master Plan

    There’s a certain Youtuber who has created a very long, detailed series describing a conspiracy called the Dornish Master Plan. In essence, the idea is that Prince Doran, who is considered a master plotter, has been concocting a very long, detailed plan to destroy and humiliate the Lannister as well as make a power grab…

  • Game of Thrones: What Role Will Trystane Martell Play in Season 6?

    There’s a very interesting thread on reddit talking about Trystane Martell’s role. I was about to provide a moderate reply then decided to do a better write up on my blog. The thing is that despite his overall importance in the scheme of things, he wasn’t provided a huge role in season 5 outside of…

  • Game of Thrones: What Role Will Dorne Play in Season 6?

    Season 5 through many book readers off, especially with regards to Jamie Lannister’s storyline which took him to Dorne. While he does go off in the novels, Jamie departs King’s Landing to settle matters down in the Riverlands while getting away from his increasingly insane sister. In season 5, he veered off with Bron to…