Tag: architecture

  • Laravel: The Ugly Command/Event – Handler System

    One distinctive feature Laravel has as part of its optional architecture is the command/event system. Commands are supposed to represent single, discrete pieces of logic that ought to handle a particular job. Events are ways to notify the system that something occurred. Both commands and event employ handlers and commands can implement the SelfHandling interface…

  • Data Driven Development: The Mistake I Made By Moving Towards This

    When I first started the industry of tech, I was indoctrinated by Oracle as my first database and ended up becoming more of a data driven developer as opposed to a requirements driven developer. I think this hurt my overall perspective since my focus for many years was almost exclusively on dealing with 3rd normal…

  • Domain Modeling: Why Most Architectures Suck at this Level

    Ever notice that when you go to a company that supposedly uses an MVC structure, there’s an inevitable problem when it comes to controllers and models? Most people won’t fuck up the view section since even the lamest front end programmers know how to separate html from business logic. However, even seasoned backend developers tend…