Kontroversial Keith: Saying It and Meaning It.

  • Dear Sharon Stone: You Go Girl!

    So people have accused you of being unfair to some stupid ass nanny. Of course, all these people sympathize with the nanny because they’re all poor and probably dishonest. They cannot see what we see. That is, that the people you hired probably were shit laborers, who deserved to be yelled at for stealing and…

  • 3rd Longest Company I’ve Worked For

    Today, officially marks (via LinkedIn at least :p) my 1 year 3 month period at Steelhouse. This makes it the 3rd longest company I’ve worked for. My next goal will be to hit the 2nd longest company mark, which would be in 8 months (again according to LinkedIn :p), beating out Hartford Life Insurance KK.…

  • World of Warcraft: Why Altitis Is Not Necessarily A Bad Thing

    I’ve read how some people say you should just focus on a single class that fits your playing style. That might be fine but I think that’s like saying you should only be allowed to date within your own ethnicity. Hey, maybe you like fucking mannequins to help reduce the population growth in order to…

  • World of Warcraft: When to Do LFR (at the Moment)

    When Diablo 3 first came out, the World of Warcraft essentially died as a huge number of players migrated to the latest fad. Although there still is a fair number of people playing D3, I think that the initial mass rush is over and people are slowly returning to WoW. The fact that the queue…

  • World of Warcraft: LFR Looting System Suggestion

    Although the LFR looting system will be completely changed in Mist of Pandaria, I think that the current looting system still can be upgraded with a patch. The looting system rules is pretty disastrous in that people with better gear can ninja items that others need while those that participate, perform their roles well and…

  • World of Warcraft: Last Minute Gearing with Valor Points in Patch 4.3

    I started gearing an Arcane Mage, making her my 8th 85 level toon. Since this is my 8th toon, I decided to write up a post for casual players that want to gear up their toons. In particular, I want to discuss how you can plan out your gearing process, partly with valor points and…

  • I’m in Love with Charlize Theron!!!!

    Okay, so her as the so-called “evil” queen in Snow White gave me a massive hard on in terms of respect for her compared to her halitosis, pizza-mustard-hot dog breath infected inability to produce any emotions counterpart Kristen Stewart. If Charlize Theron were, as the queen Ravenna, to manifest on this planet and declare herself…

  • The New Plan (For World of Warcraft)

    So I guess my plan of staying away didn’t really pan out. But I managed to get my mage ready for the Hour of Twilight instances. In the meantime, I’ve been helping a friend gear up his Paladin by taking one of my better DPS geared toons and running with him. The idea is that…

  • Not Happy With Diablo 3

    Diablo 3 certainly isn’t the league of its predecessors. Instead, the corporate machine of Activision/Blizzard has converted a once great franchise game into a soulless abomination. I managed to finish the game with the help of a friend on normal mode, but it was quite clear that the game has become excessively frustrating. I started…

  • Temporarily Quitting World of Warcraft

    I got really fed up this past weekend at World of Warcraft because of the inability to really progress in the game. Ever since Diablo 3 launched, the quality of players in World of Warcraft has significantly declined (as most likely the better ones have left for D3). As a result, things like LFR and…