Category: world of warcraft

  • World of Warcraft: Flex vs LFR

    My friend’s guild has invited me to several Flex raids in the Siege of Orgrimmar. So far, we managed to get down 7/8 and will be doing Nazgrim next Monday. I’m pretty excited. The guys have been a lot of fun and it’s been a great learning experience. I only tried the first part of…

  • World of Warcraft: Scumbagging the Timeless Isle for Profit

    I touched briefly on the Timeless Isle in a previous post. But I think I have enough of an idea of how to make the Timeless Isle work for the casual player, who is looking to solo the place and is on their own time schedule. In short, you really don’t feel like grouping up…

  • World of Warcraft: Patch 5.4 Thoughts Day Two

    Thus far, I’ve only been able to do the Timeless Isle and Throne of Thunder with regards to patch 5.4 so this view might be slightly tainted. I have viewed various streams containing the new Siege of Orgrimmar and have heard how Flex Raiding has gone. So with that in mind, I’m going to offer…

  • World of Warcraft: Taking Another Break Until Patch 5.4

    It’s that time again where I’m feeling the need to step away from World of Warcraft for a few weeks to get my life straightened out a little. But in reality I’m somewhat frustrated with the game. Most of what I do is LFR but it’s just a tedious grind at this point that lacks…

  • World of Warcraft: Pet Battles, Power Leveling Pets and Lesser Charm Farming

    A friend of mine provided an invaluable tip that I should’ve done earlier where you take a pet (preferably an aquatic pet like a Strand Crawler), level him to 25 and then power level your other pets using your main as a kind of invincible tank. The Strand Crawler in particular is quite strong in…

  • World of Warcraft: How to Nurture Your Flex Raiding as A Streamer

    While it’s like that most people employing Flex Raiding will end up being guilds who face some issues with normal mode raids as well as ambitious pugs, Flex Raiding for streamers over on Twitch will become a big boon for their streams in growing their audience as I pointed out in a previous article. However,…

  • World of Warcraft: Project 5.4 ilvl 500 Complete, Playing with Elemental Shaman

    I managed to finally hit an average ilvl of 500+ on all my main toons. In turn, my push to gear will slow down a bit. Of course, I still would like to get better gear for everyone but I feel less pressured to make such a huge push on all my toons since they’re…

  • World of Warcraft: Just Kill Boomkins Already

    I long stopped playing my druid as a Balance spec because she would get destroyed solo’ing and her single target damage was terrible. The only two saving graces were AoE situations where she could channel hurricane or multi-dotting where you would see 3+ foes up. I’m not a PVPer so I cannot tell you whether…

  • World of Warcraft: Patch 5.4, Flex Raiding, Twitch TV and Increasing Viewership

    [embedplusvideo height=”388″ width=”640″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=slzQOyS5TqQ&width=640&height=388&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep2462″ /] It’s currently rumored that Patch 5.4 will be released on August 28th. Today, Blizzard released their Patch 5.4 preview of the Siege of Orgrimmar, a common practice as the company gears up in preparation for their major content releases. As Patch 5.4 is going to be a…

  • World of Warcraft: What Should the Next Expansion Be?

    I think patch 5.4 will be the last major content patch of this expansion. With it comes the ever present speculation of what the next major expansion should be. As Garrosh Hellscream will be vanquished in the upcoming patch, we will see that part of his power is derived from the Sha. And as the…