Category: technology

  • My Ideal Work Environment As A Tech Worker

    Companies like Google and Facebook are famous for having some of the best working environments with perks like free meals, free gym, creative work spaces, child care services, pets, etc. Considering that they’ve been noted as being very forward thinking with regards to their company culture, it’s a wonder that other companies, especially those that…

  • Facebook’s Long Term Fate

    When Facebook started making the rounds and opened themselves up to the public, I was unable to jump on the boat due to some technical issues with cookies. At the time, I was researching all the main social networks in attempting to build my own. With the failure, I pretty much ignored Facebook for a…

  • How Twitch TV is (Also) Hurting Gaming

    I put the word “Also” in a parenthetical note to imply that Twitch has done a lot for the gaming community. There’s no doubt of all the positive ramifications of turning the online world on its heads by making gamers into mini celebrities and providing some with a nice career. However, the implied “Also” here…

  • Amazon Buys (Not Google) for Almost $1 Billion

    In a twist that I think has everyone surprised, Amazon has just bought for nearly $1 billion. Originally, it was heavily suspected that Google would be the ones picking up the livestreaming site as Google desperately wants to get into the livestreaming market. provides a very interesting vertical because of the insane amount…

  • Google/YouTube Buying Twitch Thoughts

    Here’s a vlog of my thoughts on the Google/YouTube Twitch buyout: Watch live video from conark on TwitchTV

  • What Makes A Good Streaming Game

    If you’re thinking about getting into the livestreaming business as a gamer, you might ask yourself, “What is a good game to stream?” Most people probably will go with a game that is popular just to get into the rankings. However, what makes a game popular? Or more importantly, what makes a game attractive to…

  • Twitch TV, Social Media and Stickiness

    Currently, I am working on a social media type of project and one of the things we constantly are discussing is the “stickiness” aspects of the way the application should work. For those who do not understand the concept of “stickiness,” it’s simply the idea of how users of an application consistently return and use…

  • Why You Should Never Buy from Alienware nor Dell

    In the past, I had some pretty terrible experiences with Dell computers. On two separate occasions, I lost my drives just close to when the warranties were up. Part of me does not believe this was a coincidence. Fortunately, laptop drives are pretty easy to replace so I didn’t bother trying to replace them through…

  • YouTube: Google Why Do You Keep Sucking?

    I just checked into one of my YouTube accounts and noticed that the layout for the homepage as a logged in user has changed yet again. About a week ago, I had issues with users’ channel pages where the top menu bar disappeared under the banner. I managed to get around that limitation through adding…

  • Why I Don’t Cling to My Mobile Device

    The digital culture has made phone technology an integral part of people’s lives. Driving on a busy street, you’ll often see people abandoning common sense and laws just to check out the latest messages on their phones. People in dense zones where space is a premium and walking is the norm, you’ll often time see…