Category: games

  • EA CEO Steps Down and Implications for the Gaming Industry

    Recently, EA’s CEO stepped down. Part of it comes in speculation of the disaster for the latest SimCity DRM issues. However, it was said that EA’s projections were on a downward slope, which motivated this (more than likely). The SimCity DRM issue more than likely just highlighted one of the problems with EA in general.…

  • Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm and World of Warcraft Pontifications of the Day

    Last night I spent finishing up most of Heart of the Swarm. I’m either at the final or next to final campaign, having done all the sub-missions and only missing one objective thus far (at least from what I’m aware of). I ended up switching after getting frustrated from World of Warcraft’s inexplicable lagginess that…

  • Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm, Doing Campaign Normal Mode and Brief Thoughts

    Today, I pretty much got bored with World of Warcraft and Diablo 3 even. Needing a new gaming fix, I decided to say fuck it and pick up Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm. I already know the campaign ending as I watched Kripparian play through the last parts when it came out. Just to…

  • Blizzard: Where Does It Go from Here in 2013?

    Today, Blizzard announced that the current PVP season for World of Warcraft is ending on March 5, creating speculation that the new patch most likely will be in effect about the same period. If, indeed, the patch does get deployed during that week, we should think about how this unfolds, considering that the next expansion…

  • Game Design Theory: Working with the Environment

    I came back reading yet another massive complaint regarding Diablo 3 from someone who is a fan of Path of Exile. While I have become disillusioned with Blizzard these past few years, the thing I started to think about was how to improve the ideas in a game like Diablo 3. The truth is outside…

  • Diablo 3: Patch 1.7 Thoughts

    Supposedly, patch 1.7 was going to be a pretty big patch, especially after the tiny 1.6 patch that was slipped in and forgotten a while back. The main aspects introduced were the so-called PVP parts, new account bound crafting recipes, gem upgrades, changes to XP for monster power and reflect damage nerfs. There were other…

  • Diablo 3: Tempest Rush Monk Rules!

    Finally, I hit level 60 on my monk while playing with some friends. Upon hitting 60, I spend around 12 million gold on gear to get a reasonable amount of spirit regeneration, which is required to handle the Tempest Rush build. Left me with just over a million gold left, but I have to say…

  • Diablo 3: Zillianop Drama and Game Implications

    I was reading about some drama over on the forums with regards to a streamer who goes by the name Zillianop. The drama entailed him getting his account banned over botting but more so how he had been conning viewers into donating gold and money for him. Many of the comments on the forums…

  • Diablo 3: Potentially Good Gold Earning Run

    Tired of Alkaizer runs for Act 3? Want to change it up a bit? Here’s a run that I’m starting to use. First, you must have the Staff of Herding from Inferno mode (yes, we are going to hit Whimseyshire as part of this run). So before you proceed with this article, make sure you…

  • Diablo 3: Hitting 60 on My Witch Doctor and Gearing for Inferno

    My witch doctor is the latest to achieve level 60 and make it into Inferno mode. Actually, I had hit 60 in Hell mode (which you can do easily). I took a look at my stash and quickly decided that it was far better just to buy all new gear and vender any left overs.…