Category: games

  • Old Game Reviews: Might and Magic 2 Gates to Another World

    Although I did play Might and Magic I before II, I wanted to review II as I felt it was certainly the better game with more depth and content. Also, it was horribly addicting and something I could easily spin up today and play for hours.

  • Old Game Reviews: Ultima 3 Exodus

    After Bard’s Tale 2, I had become a CRPG addict. I would go out and try to find other fantasy games that complimented Bard’s Tale. There was a feature in Bard’s Tale that allowed you to import characters from a few other games, including Ultima 3. Since I was struggling a bit with Bard’s Tale…

  • Old Game Reviews: Wizardry 6 Bane of the Cosmic Forge

    Although Wizardry was a long running franchise, I only played 5-7. And of the three that I played, I only finished 6. But for me 6 certainly was the best of them because it had a great character development system that pretty much was one of the closest to the ideal that I wanted in…

  • Old Game Reviews: Bard’s Tale 2

    This is the game that started it all for me with regards to RPGs and the fantasy gaming genre. I believe I acquired this game in the 5th grade but lent it out to a friend for a short period. However, he did not give me the manual back, which made the game a billion…

  • Old Game Reviews: SSI’s Gold Box Pool of Radiance

    When SSI was selected to create the first official AD&D CRPG series, many people were ecstatic. SSI was known back in the day for heavy strategy games and the model that the Gold Box series would employ was similar to another game SSI produced called Wizard’s Crown. In the future, I might write up a…

  • Diablo 3: 7 Fun Builds that Got Nerfed into Oblivion

    Today, I want to talk about various fun builds in Diablo 3 that got nerfed into nothingness. These builds aren’t necessarily great builds for pushing high Greater Rifts nor are they ones that may have been universally loved. They are builds that I played at some point that may have been Meta or at least…

  • Diablo 3: Season 7 Helltooth Witch Doctor Fun Pet Build

    I won’t get into how triggered I am regarding the Ring of Emptiness nerf that happened at the last second. That issue deserves a blog post on its own some day. Instead, I want to focus on modifying the Helltooth meta slightly and demonstrate an interesting variation that I’ve been testing out that you can…

  • Diablo 3: More Ideas on Improving Competitive Leaderboards

    While writing my previous Diablo 3 blog, something hit me about the idea of competitive play. Right now, the only source of competition is the highest Greater Rift one can achieve in a season. Unfortunately, the game burns people out quickly especially after the first week since everything revolves around pushing the highest Greater Rift.…

  • Diablo 3: Too Many Nerfs to Crowd Control and Solution to Seasonal Leaderboards

    This latest patch will bring more nerfs to crowd control. Obviously, the issue Blizzard is attempting to resolve is perma-cc situations, which usually are part of the group meta as they seem to want people just playing pure damage builds rather than support builds. There’s been quite a number of nerfs over time to CC…

  • Diablo 3: Unhallowed Essence vs Marauders

    With Season 7 coming around the corner, it’s time to choose a class. I already stated why I’m not going to start with a Demon Hunter this season in a previous blog. But the idea of knowing which set to start with in a season is critical and goes into the essence of the difference…