Tag: priest
Wizardry 6: Priest to Bishop Check
After writing up yesterday’s blog post, I decided to continue the idea of moving my Priest to a Bishop. There were a few reasons for doing this, one not so obvious one where I no longer would be tied to dealing with a three way shared leveling situation between my Mage, Bard and Priest.
World of Warcraft: Priest Hits 90 and Starts LFR Runs Almost Immediately
So my plan for leveling and gearing my priest up mostly worked. The leveling process in the end was a pretty big headache. It felt like it took far too long and I ended up doing more quests than on my rogue. Not sure if there’s an experience discrepancy between the two classes, but I…
World of Warcraft: Last Level 90 in My Priest on the Way
Since this week is the last for the summer festival event, my friend pointed out that he was trying to get a few toons to at least level 90 just to obtain the cape (and possibly weapon). After struggling a bit to get my rogue geared initially, I decided that any possible help to get…
World of Warcraft: What I Accomplished in Cataclysm
Today I pushed my priest to 85 and geared her to tackle HoT Heroics. I already completed part one of LFR and am waiting on part two as I write this. At this point, I have 10 85s of all classes. I will make an attempt to finish part two of LFR tonight, thus giving…