Tag: party compositions
Wizardry 6: Priest to Bishop Check
After writing up yesterday’s blog post, I decided to continue the idea of moving my Priest to a Bishop. There were a few reasons for doing this, one not so obvious one where I no longer would be tied to dealing with a three way shared leveling situation between my Mage, Bard and Priest.
Wizardry 6: And Yet Another Starting Party
I’ll admit it. I have a huge issue when it comes to alts and starting parties. I love theorycrafting parties, trying them out and tweaking things until I’m happy. Well, it happened again and I may have come up with a reasonably satisfying party. However, I did a few “tweaks” to deal with the frustration…
Wizardry 6: The Adventure Continues (with the New Party)
Perhaps, I managed to stumble upon a winning combo that has kept my interest going in my latest Wizardry 6 play through. That combo is the party that I have created from the previous blog post where I’ve managed to make it work and feel reasonably satisfied with the results. Is it perfect? By no…
Wizardry 6: Update On Revised Party
Naturally, being me denotes that without a doubt once an idea gets in my head, I’m probably going to see it through until I get demotivated. In this case, the idea was using a better version of the party I had in mind since the last one worked fine but needed more tuning. I think…
Wizardry 6: The Best Starting Party Discussion
As I’m starting to think about class/profession change at the mid/end game point, I also began wondering whether or not the party I came up with was the best one for the job. When I first played Wizardry 6, I had another party that did not fair well and I didn’t realize (at that time)…
Baldur’s Gate 2: NPC Party Compositions
I prefer multi-player play more than the single player option just because of being able to have the ability to customize my party, even if i merely choose to create a single character. However, after writing a few lengthy articles on customized party combinations, I decided to put some thoughts down on using a single…
Baldur’s Gate 2: More Class/Party Discussion
I finished Shadows of Amn once again yesterday and began Throne of Bhaal but have made little progress thus far. The play through on my party consisted of a human kensai/mage, human undead hunter, half-elf ranger/cleric, Jaehira (half-elf fighter/druid), human wizard slayer/thief and elf fighter/mage. Mostly, I just powered my way through and did most…