Kontroversial Keith: Saying It and Meaning It.

  • Level 70 As A Shadow Priest

    I managed to make it to level 70 as a Shadow Priest. My first comment is that I still feel that Shadow Priests are the worst class to level. The fact that you’re single targeting and lacking any kind of cleave and/or AoE ability until level 74 (I discount Holy Nova btw) makes instancing a…

  • World of Warcraft Mist of Pandaria Release Date Announced and Preparation Suggestions

    The magic date is September 25, 2012. Right now, the PTR is getting ready for what seems to be a major pre-release just before the expansion comes out with a major event to set into motion the next expansion. I believe the first of the raids as well as pet battles have been implemented and…

  • Why Product People Need to Be More Software People

    I read articles in the past about how Microsoft’s product managers were formerly software developers. Also, I recently saw an inspiring article about Google’s APM (Associate Product Manager program) that Marissa Mayer oversaw. What I’ve come to realize over my career is that people involved in the product decision making process for technology/software MUST come…

  • Watched Idiocracy

    Once again Mike Judge’s social acumen on stupid rings true in this movie. While not the funniest movie nor even being that funny of a movie, the social criticism in this movie is what made me fascinated. Essentially, Mike Judge is arguing that as a species humans are becoming dumber. While we are advancing elements…

  • Prometheus Theories

    I still haven’t seen Prometheus but I’ve done a lot of reading and checking of clips to get a better understanding of one of my favorite movie verticals of all time. Many people have mentioned that the movie leaves viewers with more questions than it answers. As a result, there’s plenty of debates in terms…

  • PHP Curl File Upload

    I spent a little bit of time trying to get my PHP to work with curl uploads. I’ve seen a couple of websites that have varying information, sometimes not really accurate nor helpful on the matter. So I want to present a barebones working example using PHP to demonstrate how to do a file upload…

  • World of Warcraft: Druid Now Has the 4 Piece Set

    I got lucky with two rolls tonight on my druid. One, which really isn’t as pertinent, is the Wrath of Unchaining trinket. Someday, I might attempt to gear as feral. Ironically, her feral gear actually is quite good and may make her a contender as a future bear tank. After completing LFR part 2 with…

  • Why Mike Preach is Wrong About Blizzard’s Direction

    Mike Preach has a video on youtube explaining his thoughts on why Blizzard’s direction for World of Warcraft is wrong. Part of his belief is that the game is becoming too easy and that by making content harder, it’ll improve the overall player base and attract better players. Let me preface this article by saying…

  • World of Warcraft: Add My Rogue to the List

    On Sunday, my rogue hit level 85. Unfortunately, because it was kinda late, I did not have a chance to run through the entire HoT Heroics to build up enough Valor Points to get her throwing weapon nor procure enough gear to hit LFR. However, the good thing was that the reset occurred today so…