Kontroversial Keith: Saying It and Meaning It.

  • American Pro-Wrestling and Me

    I used to blog quite a bit about the pro-wrestling scene. For over a year now, I’ve pretty much stopped watching all current pro-wrestling. The problem is that I simply dislike the products heavily and find nothing compelling anymore. I do have a few people that I like, but I simply do not want to…

  • The Future of Web Technologies

    Recently, I’ve been posting to my company’s Yammer feed articles about platforms and software in relation to the web. There’s a lot of validation on what makes some of the top companies big players and I believe the key is in the idea of centering the business as a form of a platform. When you…

  • W00t! Level 85 Shaman! Level 12 Guild!

    My guild was on the verge of hitting level 12 this week, so I decided to really punch it by taking my shaman and leveling him from 81/82 to 85. Tonight, I finally did it after a long grind. That makes it a total of four level 85’s toons on my server with one very…

  • Almost Done Gearing My Paladin; Next My Hunter

    I’m almost through the various dailies on the Molten Front! Talk about an epic pain in the rear! But I managed to accomplish a pair of great things tonight. First, my Paladin now has revered status with the Dragonmaw Clan, allowing him to pick up the 346 tanking helmet. Previously, he was using the PVP…

  • Vanilla vs TBC vs WOTLK vs Cata

    Gotta love the debates that go on regarding how old time World of Warcraft players complain in nostalgic sense about what post-TBC players have missed. As a post-TBC player, it’s very hard to get a sense of what Vanilla and TBC were like. However, having read a bunch of forums, I’m starting to get a…

  • World of Warcraft Patch 4.3 Thoughts

    Right now, we’re getting a pretty good preview on the upcoming 4.3 patch for World of Warcraft. Of course, the biggest thing is that this patch will allow players to finally down Deathwing, who is the end boss of Catacylsm, of course.  Leading up to Death Wing will be some uber raid bosses along with…

  • First Pass Glimpse At My Classes

    As a hobby, I’ve been designing the basic rules for an RPG system that I’ve always wanted to build/play. Taking from all my favorite games, I’m trying to concoct a system that is very character focused with an emphasis on variety. I’ve played one game, Elder Scrolls 4, which provided an incredibly flexible system in…

  • Seriously Considering Quitting the Gym

    My whole purpose on joining the gym was to lose weight. However, I’ve slowly come to hate my gym because the people are pretty obnoxious, it’s too crowded, stinky and the equipment sucks. The other thing is that I’ve slowly lost my motivation to go anymore. I feel that going to the gym is futile…

  • My Requests If I Die

    I do not like thinking this way, but I don’t have any official type of will. So I decided to post something here to make it official in case something ever happens to me. My main request is that if something were to happen to me that I would like to buried with my stuffed…

  • Finished Thor and Iron Man 2; Awaiting the Avengers

    Having been recommended Iron Man 2 and being somewhat bored lately, I decided to check Iron Man 2 and Thor out tonight. Iron Man 2 alluded to Thor as being in the next chain of events in this Marvel series, piquing my curiosity at the end of the credits. I have to say both movies…