Lost Ark and Clash of Clans Combined Post

Today was the big update for Lost Ark. A good chunk of it really is meant for people who are geared out and active guilds. There were quality of life changes added too and a new class in the Destroyer. But for someone like myself, none of this matters because I’m not in the targeted bracket.

Apparently, this update entailed a 30GB download. I found out that the bulk of the download/game is actually the language packs. It’s such a stupid thing to waste bandwidth like that when they could’ve just utilize a person’s locale to determine which language pack to download as a default and then provide an in game settings option to download additional language packs. But I’m pretty convinced that the developers for Lost Ark are fairly stupid and don’t really think about their decisions (I mean this is a Korean MMORPG so go figure).

Regardless, I think the 1+ hour wait for the game to download killed my initial incentive off because once I logged on and fiddled around a bit on my main, I realized that I was the only person on my guild online. I did my dailies on my main character, set up a few things for the guild then quit out of the game, feeling defeated and tired all at the same time.

Some of the new guild activities actually look fun like taking down a Field Boss. Unfortunately, I was given (without consent) leadership of the guild on my server and now not only do I have to do all these administrative tasks, I get to watch the cooler features just sit around because everyone got burnt out and quit. Yeah, really great game.

Maybe I just need to take a break. I still want to play but I’m running out of time for completing my novel which has a much high priority. Also, the whole timed event thing is killing me. I want to do something when I want to do it, not as a result that some idiot game producer thought it was a great idea to time gate something. I’d love to punch that guy’s face inward if I ever saw him walking along the street to show what I thought of his puny brain. Either way, my rising anger just makes me think it’s time to take a break for a bit.

On Clash of Clans, I decided to take a little break there too because most of my Builders on both accounts are all locked up for days. One did become available and I ended up using him to start the upgrade for my Laboratory on my main account. I’ll have another one available tomorrow which I intend to use for my Royal Champion (even though I would have liked using him on my Clan Castle too). But the waiting aspect is just killing me.

That made me wonder just how big of an asshole these game producers are. Because I think the super massive black hole that was recently seen would seem far smaller than the size of these producers’ singular gaping rear. These games are so horribly designed in terms of literally wasting people’s time. It’s reprehensible. I get that these companies need money but there’s better ways for this. I really think that there should be a law in place that forces game companies to be barred from app stores and selling their malware on sites if they waste people’s time in this kind of manner. Decisions like these are what kills games because eventually people figure out there’s better stuff out there that won’t waste their time.

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